新冠专题 阅读理解:外国人呼吁学习中国“抗疫”经验(COVID-19)

时间:2023-04-25 02:55:14 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
年级:九年级 难度:难 总词数:291 生词数/率:2/0.7% 题型:阅读理解

Italian volunteer in Shanghai appeals to world to learn Chinas experience in COVID-19 fight

The way to cure COVID-19 exists, but it is not a drug. It is the measures that China has been taking, Giacomo Gardumi, an Italian national who has been living in China for more than twenty years, told Global Times.

Gardumi noted that the situation now in China has proven that Chinas measures are effective. Honestly, one month earlier, nobody could have imagined that we can make such achievements, he said, appealing to () other countries to follow Chinas model in the coronavirus fight.

Gardumi has been working as a volunteer at the Huashan community in Shanghai recently. His main task is to help community management officers communicate with foreign residents in his community. He can help them learn the requirements of the local government, how the community can help them amid the coronavirus outbreak, or to give out masks to them. Sometimes, before he goes to work in the morning, he also waits at the gate of the residential buildings to take body temperatures of local residents.

Gardumi said China has been brave by asking shops, factories and companies to close as an effort to contain the coronavirus spread. He thinks that some Western countries are still taking a relatively loose policy in epidemic control. Italy, the second hardest-hit country by

COVID-19, extended a regional lockdown to nationwide on March 9. As the infection rate () continues to grow, the country ordered all non-essential shops and services to close.

Gardumi has been sending epidemic control information he collected in China to his relatives and friends in his home country and asked them to follow suit. He now feels happy to see that Italy is following Chinas model to control the coronavirus spread.

1.How long has Gardumi been living in China ?

A. For more than 5 years. B. For more than 10 years. C. For more than 15 years. D. For more than 20 years.

2. When did Italy extend a regional lockdown to nationwide ?

A. On March 7. B. On March 8. C. On March 9. D. On March 10.

3. What do you think about Gardumi ?

A. Warm-hearted. B. Honest. C. Outgoing.
