【#四六级考试# 导语】成功=时间+方法,自制力是这个等式的保障。世上无天才,高手都是来自刻苦的练习。而大家往往只看到“牛人”闪耀的成绩,忽视其成绩背后无比寂寞的勤奋。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。
The mistake most investors make is to put most of their money in one form of investment,say stocks or properties.As a result,when the property and stock markets decline,these investors are in an extremely vulnerable position.It is always prudent to keep aside at least enough cash to provide a cushion of about 6 month's monthly income as a safeguard against sharp declines in the stock and property markets or in the event that you need cash urgently.
Tourism, a fast developing economic sector over the last two decades in all parts of the world, is now receiving increasing attention among the Chinese public. Many people have written to the press, making suggestions for the promotion of tourism in China. It is believed that the development of tourism will help promote mutual understanding and friendship between the people of China and other countries, and facilitate exchanges in the field of culture, science and technology. Moreover, it will help accumulate funds for China's great cause.
在中国,喝茶是一种仪式(ritual),一种精致品味(refined taste)的展示。人们在饮茶的同时,也领略着(take delight in)品茶的情趣之意。喝茶聊天是中国人中最流行的打发时间的方式。过去,他们是以进有名的茶馆(teahouse)而开始一天的生活的。中国的茶馆相当于法国的咖啡馆和英国的酒馆。人们到这里不仅是为了喝茶。也是为了议论当地的新闻或对政治话题进行激烈的(furious)争论。参考译文
Tea drinking in China is a ritual and a demonstration of the refined taste. While drinking tea, people also take delight in the essence of tea itself. Chatting over a pot of tea is a very popular way of pastime among Chinese. In the past, they would start the day with a visit to a well-known teahouse. Chinese teahouses would be the equivalent of French cafes and English pubs. People come here not just for tea, but also to discuss local news or to have furious political debates.