1. His picture was in the leading newspapers of the country.
A popular B important C funny D guiding
2. He is so busy that he can hardly afford a day away from work.
A waste B pay C spend D offer
3. If you have any complaint, please see the manager.
A protest B criticism C suggestion D fault
4. If observations confirmed the scientists' prediction, the theory is supported.
A finished B adjusted C investigated D upheld
5. History is thus used to justify and support national ideals and institutions.
A explain B assist C establish D judge
6. Early in life she chose nursing as her vocation.
A future B hobby C leisure pursuit D profession
7. The initial step is often the most difficult.
A first B last C longest D quickest
8. Your complaint must be made through the proper channels.
A effects B background C means D relations
9. I could easily identify him among the crowd because he was wearing long hair.
A prove B define C claim D rgnize
10. The newspaper had a remarkable influence in rural areas.
A significant B discussible C remote D uneven
1. B 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. D 7. A 8. C 9.D 10. A