【#考博# 导语】努力的苦读,把你的实力全部发挥,所有关爱着你的人,都会为你祝福、祈祷,努力备考,相信你会考出满意的成绩,考入理想院校!以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的《2018考博英语翻译练习【五篇】》 供您查阅。
To the Confucians, marriage is of great importance toboth family and the society. As for family, marriagecan bring families of different surnames together,and continue the family life of the concerned clans.Socially, a married couple is the basic unit of thepopulation;sometimes marriages can even affect the country's political stability andinternational relations. From the perspective of Confucianism, one purpose of marriage is tocultivate virtue.The Chinese have seen that marriage should be founded on love since theconcept of monogamy is deeply rooted in their mindset. Due to the concept of filial piety andpropriety, marriage has become a costly affair and been seen as second only to funeralceremonies. The employ of a matchmaker can ensure that the husband and wife arecompatible with each other,but primarily work in the families'best interests.
儒家学派(Confucianism)认为婚姻对家庭和社会都有重大意义。对于家庭,婚姻能将不同姓氏的家庭聚在一起,延续相关家族的家庭生活。对于社会,夫妻是人口的基本单位,婚姻有时能影响到国家的政治稳定和国际关系。从儒家思想来看, 婚姻的目的之一是培养美德。一夫一妻制(monogamy)的观念根深蒂固,中国人明白婚姻应该建立在爱情的基础上。出于孝(filial piety)与礼(propriety)的观念,婚姻成了昂贵的仪式,被认为仅次于葬礼。聘媒人(matchmaker)可以确保丈夫和妻子彼此般配,但主要是为了家庭的利益。
Han Dynasty, founded in 202 BC, was one of thelongest dynasties in Chinese history. It was dividedinto two periods: the Western Han Dynasty and theEastern Han Dynasty. Considered a golden age, HanDynasty created a glorious civilization in variousaspects, including economy, culture, art as well as science and technology, etc. Han Dynastylaid a foundation for the ethnic culture of the Han Nationality, and Confucianism respected bythe Western Han Dynasty became the mainstream ideology of China. Business and tradeflourished during the Western Han Dynasty, with the opening of the Silk Road as an importanteconomic achievement.Technological advances were also great achievement in this period. Itwas during this time that two great Chinese inventions, papermaking and porcelain, weredeveloped. In 220, the Eastern Han Dynasty collapsed and the ruling of Han Dynasty ended.
汉朝建于公元前202年,是中国历存在时间最长的朝代之一,分为西汉与东汉两个阶段。汉朝被称为黄金时代,在经济、文化、艺术和科技等各个方面均创造了辉煌的文明。汉朝奠定了汉民族的民族文化,西汉所尊崇的儒家思想(Confucianism)成为中国的主流思想。在西汉时期,商业贸易蓬勃发展,丝绸之路(the Silk Road)的开辟就是一个重要的经济成就。技术进步也是汉朝的重要成就,中国两个伟大发明,造纸和瓷器(porcelain)是在这一时期发展起来的。220年东汉灭亡,汉朝统治结束。
The word "Tuhao" dates back as early as theSouthern Dynasty 1,500 years ago and its meaningchanges over time. From the 1920s to the early1950s, it was widely used to refer to landholders whowere rich and powerful in rural areas of ChinaRecent, the word is endowed with a new meaning by the highly creative Chinese Internet usersand is used to describe people who have a lot of money but bad taste. There have been morethan 100 million references to the word "Tuhao" on social media in China since earlySeptember 2013. After BBC's recent program about the influential Chinese words isbroadcast, the word has caught the attention of the editing team of Oxford English Dictionaryand may be included in the next year's edition.
“土豪”(Tuhao)—词最早可追溯到1500年前的南朝(the Southern Dynasty)时期,其含义随时间的推移而改变。20世纪20至50年代初,它被广泛用于形容那些在中国农村有钱有势的地主。最近,极富创造性的中国网民赋予了这个词新的含义,他们借用该词来形容那些十分有钱却品味差的人。2013年9月上旬以来,“土豪”一词在中国社交媒体上出现了1亿多次。在BBC近期一档关于中国热词(influential Chinese words)的栏目播出后,该词引起了《牛津词典》编著团队的关注,明年可能会被收入词典中。
Researchers at higher education institutes who commit “academic misconduct” will receive punishments ranging from notices of criticism circulated on campus to being fired, according to new regulations from the Ministry of Education on July 19. Under the rules, universities are to create integrity records for researchers and incorporate academic honesty into evaluation systems.
马上学:学术不端是指违背学术规范、道德的行为,包括plagiarism (剽窃),fabrication (捏造数据)和falsification (篡改数据)等。
This month, more than 30 live video streaming platforms in Beijing are facing scrutiny, after the implementation of a self-discipline pact on April 18. The pact requires each platform have a real-name system for their hosts, and the contents of each live-streamed video must be stored for at least 15 days for further inspection.
马上学:Streaming“流媒体”是指用户可以一边下载一边看的传输技术。网络直播可以分为live entertainment“娱乐活动直播”和host live show“主播日常直播”等。