Dunhuang is a renowned tourist resort famous forthe Mogao Caves.In ancient times, Dunhuang wasthe center of trade between China and its westernneighbors. With the flourishing of trade along theSilk Road, Dunhuang quickly developed to becomethe most open area in international trade in Chinese histoiy. Over 1,000 caves were cut out ofcliffs in Dunhuang. The caves reflect Silk Road civilization and important aspects of Chinesepeople's religious life, art, and customs in histoiy, including the introduction of Buddhism toChina during this period. Dunhuang grottoes have always been regarded as the nationaltreasure of China.
1.敦煌是以莫高窟而的旅游胜地:“以...而”可译为befamous for。类似短语还有be famous as(作为…而)。“旅游胜地”可译为tourist resort。
3.敦煌石窟一直被视为中国的国宝:其中“被视为”可译为be regarded as,也可译为be seen as或beconsidered as。“国宝”可译为national treasure。