小学英语写作教学教案 【篇一:小学五年级英语写作课堂教案】 4月8号英语写作组课堂教案 一:教学目的: 让学生积累单词,并初步了解作文的构成,学会写简单的句子。 二:教学内容: 1.回顾上堂课所教的单词。 2.强调课堂纪律。 3.简要说明作文的组成(词语,句子,文章),让学生初步了解作文的组成。 4.简要分析一些简单句子的构成:主语+动词+名词,例如:i love you等。 5.在学生对简单的句子有一定了解后可以进行句子拼凑的游戏:用小卡片把一些主语,谓语和名词写上,让他们把单词进行排序,使其变成一个正确的句子,可以分组进行比赛,哪个组完成的最快就能获胜,以此来活跃课堂气氛。 6.有时间的可以讲解一下优秀作文。 三:教学特色:因材施教,实行鼓励式教育。 1.扩展学生词汇量。 2.游戏中学习,使课堂活跃起来。 3.培养学生发散性思维。 四:教学反馈: 让学生提出疑问,老师给予及时的辅导,解决学生这节课的疑问。(耐心,认真,负责的解决学生的疑问) 【篇二:小学英语写作教学】 浅谈小学英语写作教学 摘 要:英语写作是英语教学中重要的组成部分。指出了小学英语写作教学的主要问题,并提出了小学英语写作教学的策略,从而激发学生的写作兴趣,促进学生的写作信心。 关键词:小学英语;写作教学;问题;策略 《义务教育英语课程标准》指出:“语言技能包括听、说、读、写四个方面,这四个方面是构成语言交际能力的重要组成部分。听和读是理解的技能,说和写是表达的技能。”写,尤其是写作,这是一个教与学的难点。如何在教师恰当的指导下,提高学生写作的能力与水平呢?作为小学英语教师,为了有针对性地培养小学生的英语写作能力,我们首先要分析小学生英语作文存在的问题,其次“对症下药”,找寻正确的教学方法,最后才能在实践中发挥事半功倍的作用。 一、小学英语写作教学的主要问题 目前的小学英语教学中,学生刚刚接触英语,在写作上难免出现语法错误,句子结构混乱、含义不清,不能按照英语的语言习惯、思维角度去安排一个较完整的写作思路。教师往往忽视了对写的有效训练,认为写作教学枯燥乏味,写作作业难批改,英语写作对于小学生而言太难了??许多教师失去了培养小学生英语写作能力的积极性,使学生错过了发展写作能力的良好机会,影响了学生语言综合能力的提高。 二、小学英语写作教学的策略方法 【篇三:英语写作教案】 writing (autumn 2014) for the normal students in grade 2004 (5 years) and grade 2006 (3 years) instructor: telephone: office hours: by appointment objectives: writing, which is related to many elements, is one of the important skills in english learning. the study in this term aims at training the students to develop paragraphs into essays. the four basic english writing styles, narration, argumentation, exposition, and description will be learnt in this term. practical writing is also an important part to be trai ned on, especially writing resumes and letters applying for jobs. chapter 5, 6, and 11 in 美语路路通—写作通(3) will be finished and used as writing practice. students should be taught to integrate all the basic skills learnt before and use it in writing. requirement: 1. the students should take part in the learning activity energetically, such as discussions in the class. 2. homework must be finished on time. 3. the students should do some exercises in their spare time to make self-improvement. 4. the attendance is very important, and it’ll be related to their final grades. text materials: we will use 美语路路通—写作通(3), written by laurie blass and meredith pike-baky, published in january, 2005, by liaoning education press. points distribution: 1. attendance: the student who is absent will lose 1 mark for each class. as to 10 classes, he/she will get 0 marks in attendance. if one is absent for one third of all the fixed classes, he/she will not be allowed to take part in the final exam. 2. in-class activity: there will be some activities, such as brainstorming, being designed to train the ss’ writing skills. all the ss should take part in the activities actively. 3. out-class assignment: in spare time, the students the students are required to do some exercises and research to improve their writing skills, and to widen their knowledge. 4. final exam: the mark in final exam is a standard to check the students’ study. this syllabus will be discussed with the students at the first class of this term. the instructor has the right to make further explanation. detailed schedule: 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/136151b2a22d7375a417866fb84ae45c3b35c294.html