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一阴一阳之谓道。继之者善也,成之者性也。仁者见之谓之仁,知者见之谓之知,百姓日用而不知,故君子之道鲜矣。显诸仁,藏诸用,鼓万物而不与圣人同忧,盛德大业至矣哉!富有之谓大业,日新之谓盛德。生生之谓易,成象之谓乾,效法之谓坤,极数知来之谓占,通变之谓事,阴阳不测之谓神。 Companion to Changes Appendix One

What is called Shade and Shine is the Word. What follows it is Good; what makes it is Nature. He who is benevolent calls it Benevolence; he who is wise calls it Wisdom. The folks use it but dont know it, so very few talk about it. The benevolence of the Word is revealed; the use of the Word is hidden. It raises everything without saints worries, hence the completion of great virtues and causes! Gaining wealth is called Great Cause; making progress is called Great Virtue. Making lives live on is called Change; visualizing things is called Gen; sustaining things is called Kueen; calculating to predict is called Divination; access to the secrets of change is called Acumen; not knowing the reason of Shade and Shine is called Mystery.
