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The logical translation of "不是a就是b" is "either a or b". It expresses the idea that there are only two options available, and it must be either one or the other.

Here are 9 bilingual examples using this logic: 1.要么学习,要么工作。(Either study or work.)

2.不是这个杯子就是那个碗。(It's either this cup or that bowl.)

3.要么你去,要么我去。(Either you go or I go.) 4.今晚要么看电影,要么去跳舞。(Tonight, it's either watching a movie or going dancing.)

5.这个问题不是黑就是白。(This question is either black or white.)

6.我们要么忍受,要么离开。(We either endure or leave.)

7.不是你去旅行,就是我去。(Either you go on the trip, or I go.)

8.要么下雨,要么打雷。(Either it rains or thunders.) 9.这个颜色不是红就是蓝。blue.)

(This color is either red or
