《Unit 4 At the farm A let’s talk》教学设计 教学目标: 知识目标: 1、能够听懂、会说句型:What are these? They’re… Are these…? Yes, they are. /No, they aren’t. 2、能理解新词carrot 和tomato的意思并能准确发音。 能力目标: 在情景中,运用目标语言灵活对话。 3、情感、策略目标: 培养学生热爱植物的美好情感。 教学重、难点: 1. 重点:掌握句型What are these? They’re… Are these…? Yes, they are. /No, they aren’t. 2. 难点:能在事物或情景的帮助下灵活运用What are these? They’re… are these…? Yes, they are. /No, they aren’t. 并能在事物或情景的帮助下运用目标语言灵活表演对话 课前准备: 多媒体、单词卡片 、句子卡片、实物 教学步骤: 一、Warming up 1. Let’s sing Old MacDonald had a farm. 活动目的:调动学生积极性,消除课前紧张气氛 2. Greeting 二、Presentation 1.What did you do last weekend? T: I went to the supermarket.Let’s see what’s in the supermarket. Review the word of fruits: apple, pear, banana, watermelon, strawberry. Use the sentences: What’s this? It’s a/an.... (Review the knowledge in grade 3) What are these? They’re ....s. (This is a lead in practice of the new sentence pattern in this unit.) 2. Sarah and Mike went to the farm last weekend. Let's see what they found. Let’s have a guessing game!猜一猜! Use the sentence pattern: Are these...? (Yes, they are. / No, they aren't.) Learn the words: carrots, tomatoes, watermelons, flowers. 3. Can you guess? What are they talking about at the farm? (discuss in pairs) 4. What is missing? (联系上下文,猜测空格处的内容) 5. Try to match!(阅读并配对) A.What are these? B. Is this a carrot? C. What’s this? D. Are these carrots? 6. Listen and check! Listen to the tape and check the answer. 7. Let’s read. Read the dialogue after the tape. (Pay attention to the intonation and tones.) 三、Practice 1. Let’s have some fun! 游戏规则: 两人轮流问答,A:What are these? B: They're... 来描述井字格里的任一图片,回答正确则可在该图片做标记(打勾或画圈),回答错误则失去机会;所下的标记能够连成直线即为胜者。 Students do it in their work sheet. (First listen to the instruction.) 2. Make a dialogue. According to the pictures make a new dialogues. Write down the sentences on the work sheet. 3. Treasure grain is to cherish life! 四、Homework A. Try to know more about fruits and vegetables. 多了解水果和蔬菜的知识 B. Design your farm and try to describe it. 试着画一个农场并向家长进行描述 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/7486a9d20142a8956bec0975f46527d3240ca686.html