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2018年大学英语六级汉译英练习(10 汉译英


2在这种家庭长大的孩子比他们父母更容易接受平等的观念,并做好充分准备去加入一个合作的,而不是性别大战的社会。 3有一些迹象表明,有关家庭方面的心理学家和专家意识到男性在家庭中的作用,他们认为在涉及家庭方面的问题上不应该由女性承担所有的赞扬或指责。我们已经不再坚持认为女性就应该呆在家里。






9下顶叶使大脑能够处理从诸如视觉和触觉等感官传来的信息,并使涉及有选择性注意和知觉之类的思维活动得以进行。 10当然有很多意外,但也不乏从大脑结构中显露出的某些事实,我们认为这事实构成了人们在性别方面的某些特征. 参考译文

1) In a family where the roles of men and women are not sharply seperated and where many household tasks are shared to a greater or lesser extentnotions of male superiority are hard to maintain. 2) In such a homethe growing boy and girl learn to accept that equality more easily than their parents did and to prepare more fully participation in a world characterized by cooperation rather than by the battle of the sexes

3) There are signs that pshchologists and specialists on the family are becoming more aware of the part men play and that they have decided that women should nor receive all the creditnor all the blame.We have almost given up saying that a womans place is in the home.

4) We are beginninghoweverto study a mans place in the home and to resist that he does have a place in it.Nor is that place

irrelevant to the healthy development of the child.

5) The family is a cooperative enterprise for which it is difficult to lay down rulesbecause each family memberneeds to work out its own ways for solving its own problems.

6) Scientists at Johns Hopkins have discovered striking differents between men and women in a part of the brain linked with ability to estimate timejudge speedvisualize things three-dimensionally and solve mathematical problems.

7) The differencesthe researchers saymay underlie well-known trends that vary by sexsuch as the fact that more men than women are architectsmathematicians and race-car drivers.

8) In women in the studyit is the right IPL that is somewhat largerthough the difference between the two sides of the brains is less obvious than in mensay Psychiatrist Godfrey PearlsonM.D. who headed the project.

9) It allows the brain to process information from senses such as vision and touchand enable the sort of thinking involved in selective attention and perception.

10)There are plenty of exceptionsbut there is also a grain of truthrevealed throught the brain structurethat we think underlies some of the ways people characterize the sexes.
