小学英语《Unit1 Food and Drinks Lesson 4》优质教案、教学设计

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鲁科版三年级下册 Unit 1 Food and Drinks Lesson 4


1. 知识与能力: 1 能正确认读并书写


2 能听懂、会说、认读单词:egg, bread, orange, juice, milk, please,fish,

vegetable, rice, hungry, drink, apple,并能结合句型灵活运用。

3 能听懂、会说 认读句型:“Do you like...?""Would you like...?"

2. 过程与方法:利用知识树思维导图复习本单元单词句型,在闯关活动中不断练习


3. 情感态度与价值观:能运用所学句型谈论饮食及自己和他人对饮食的喜好,

并对中国和一些西方国家的饮食差异有一定的了解。 教学重点:

能听懂、会说、认读单词:egg, bread, orange,

juice, milk, please,

fish, vegetable, rice, hungry, drink, apple,并能结合句型灵活运用。 教学难点:

1能听懂、会说认读句型:“Doyou like...?""Would

you like...?".

2、能运用所学句型谈论饮食及自己和他人对饮食的喜好。 教具准备: 多媒体课件、单词卡片、头饰、奖品。教学过程: 一.Warm up:

1. Greetings.

T: Class begins. Good afternoon, boys and girls. SS: Good afternoon, Miss Lu. T: How are you today?

SS: I’m fine, thank you. And you? T: I’m fine, too.

2. Free talk.

T: You did a good job. Boys and girls, today we’ll learn Unit 1 Lesson 4 (呈现课题,生齐读)Spring is coming with flowers and songs.(Let SS enjoy some beautiful pictures)And this weekend I’m going to have a picnic. Would you like coming with with me? Please try your best, overcome some difficulties, and then let’s enjoy the beautiful spring! Round 1.(Let’s talk) Task 1: Listen and answer.

Question 1: Does Guo Yang like bread? Question 2: Would Li Ming like some drink? Task 2: Listen and repeat.

Overcome Round 1 ,let’s chant.

三、Round 2(Some words about food and drinks).

At the beginning, let’s have a brainstorming. Please speak out the similar words about food and drinks, the more the better. Task 1: Listen and number. Task 2: Listen and repeat.

Task 3: Let’s read.(小师出示评价标准,小组合作展示读单词。) Task 4: Let’s write. (师板书单词,生空书。) . Round 3(复习句子,拓展延伸)

Task 1: I can describe. Using “I like…/I don’t… Task 2: Ask and answer.(Pair work)

---- Do you like…?

---- Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

Task 3: I can make a new dialogue.

----- Would you like …? ----- Yes, coffee, please.

Work in your groups.师出示评价标准(I can read★ I can do★★). Round 4 Let’s talk. Task 1: 听读对话

Task 2: 小组活动背诵,表演。师出示评价标准(我会读★我会背★★我会表演★★



Now we get to Round 4, come on boys and girls. 1.Fill in the blanks. 整体感知句型,填入所缺单词。


3 总结提升

TWe have been though all the levels, congratulations! 评选最佳表现小组。 七.情感升华

When in Rome, please do as the Romans do! 八.Summaries and homework

So much for this class. Thanks for your listening. Now class is over. Goodbye, boys and girls.
