人教版三年级起点小学英语四年级下册(PEP义务教育版) B-优秀奖

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Unit6 Shopping (Part B)


1. 听说读写词汇nice,pretty,cheap,expensive.

2. 会说 Can I help you? How do you like it? How much is it?会在实际场景中应用。

3. 会表达如何形容一件衣服的好坏。 4. 学会Chant.

5. 教育学生爱惜衣服,节约用钱,不要买太多衣服。 教学重点:

1. 掌握词汇nice, pretty, cheap, expensive,做到会听说读写。 2. 掌握Can I help you? How do you like it? How much is it?会在实际场景中应用。 教学难点:

掌握词汇nice, pretty, cheap, expensive,做到会听说读写。 教具准备:

点读机,卡片,实物,PPT. 教学过程: Step1 Warm up. 1. Greetings.

2. Sing a song. Hello,hello,whats your name? Step2 Presentation. 1. Learn new words.

T: Today Im very happy, because I wear my new clothes. Look,this is my new shirt.Please touch it. Is it good? Yes, its very good. Its nice. 教读并板书nice.

2.I wear my new clothes, and you wear your new school uniforms. Wow, your skirt is very beautiful ! Its pretty! 教读并板书pretty.

3.Show some money. Ask How much is it?教读并板书How much is it? Ask and answer. Then show a card. The coat is 10 yuan .So we say its cheap.教读并板书cheap.

4.Show a card.Its 900yuan.So its not cheap. Its expensive. 读并板书expensive. Read the words.

Step3 Consolidation and extension. 1. Chant.

2. PPT. Do you like it? Is it nice/pretty/cheap/expensive? How do you like it?教读并板书.Then ask and answer. 3. Play a game.


T: Now Im a shop assistant. Can I help you? Then Ss do it.

4. Sarah is shopping with her mother.What are they talking ?Listen and repeat.

5. Role-play.

6. Survey. What do you want to buy if you have 50 yuan? Why?How much in total. 7. Emotional education. 8. Sing. Sep4 Homework.
