
时间:2022-03-29 04:15:16 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


man男人 men男士们 woman女人 women女士们 child孩子 children孩子们 peopleeveryone每一个人 many许多的 quick快速的 quickly快速地 slow慢慢的 slowly慢慢地loud大声的 loudly大声地 scared害怕的 hard困难的 easy容易的 square广场 hurt受伤 bandage绷带 body身体 eye眼睛 shoulder肩膀 hands stomach胃部 knee膝盖 toe脚趾 ear耳朵 tail尾巴 head mouth嘴巴 elbow肘部 finger手指 leg feet arm胳膊 camera相机 film胶卷 picture照片 help帮助 buy gift礼物 shop商店 chopsticks筷子 inside在里面 happily快乐地 短语:

arrive in到达 take a cab乘出租车 go for a walk去散步 fly kites=fly a kite放风筝

look inside看里面 Tian’anmen Square天安门广场 the Palace Museum故宫 look at

take pictures=take a picture拍照片 take your picture给你拍照片 Let’s+动词原形:让我们 break his tail=hurt his tail伤了他的尾巴 be careful=look out=watch out当心

go shopping=do shopping去购物 walk there步行去那里 walk here步行来这里 put…in…放进 come on过来,加油 have fun玩儿得开心 walk with+人:和某人在一起 walk to +地点:步行去某地 行为动词+副词

buy+某物+for+某人:给某人买某物 be动词(am/is/are)+形容词 May I…?我可以吗? There is/are+名词:有 want to+动词原形+名词:想要做 go for a walk去散步 How old+be动词(am/is/are)+主语?...多大年龄? How much?...多少钱?

How many+可数名词复数?...多少个? How much+不可数名词?...多少个? 句子:

This is a man.这是一位男士。 These are men.这些是男士们。

Who is tired and hungry?谁又累又饿?

Everyone is tired and hungry?每一个人都又累又饿。

There are many people in the Beijing Train Station.有许多人在北京火车站。 They are buying tickets.他们正在买票。

Those children are playing cards.那些孩子们正在玩卡片。 The cars and bicycles go quickly.汽车和自行车走的很快。 The bus is slow.It goes slowly.公交车是慢的。它走的慢。

The men and women are quick.They walk quickly.男人们和女人们是快的。他们走的快。 The children are slow.They walk slowly.孩子们是慢的。他们走的慢。 Everyone feels scared.每一个人都感觉害怕的。

I see some children playing.我看见一些孩子们正在玩。 I hurt my arm.我伤了我的胳膊。

Let’s put a bandage on your arm.让我们把一个绷带放在你的胳膊上。 I want to take my camera.我想要带上我的照相机。 May I take your picture?我可以为你拍照吗?

May I help you take a picture?我可以帮助你拍照片吗?

Jenny puts a new film in her camera.珍妮把一个新胶卷放进她的相机里。 Let’s look inside the window.让我们看看窗户里面。 Who wants to go shopping today?今天谁想要去购物?

I want to buy gifts for my family.我想要给我的家人买礼物。

What time is it?=What’s the time? It’s 2:30.现在几点了?现在2:30 He looks in fifteen shops.他看了十五家商店。
