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介词归纳 Prepositionprep.


物、事件等的关系。(虚词,不能单独作句子成分) Eg:名词:Please give this book to Lily.

代词:Bring it to me.

动名词:She devotes her time to reading.


1 单个词

①简单词 at, in, on, to, since, until, from ②复合词 into, onto, within, outside 2 两个或两个以上的介词短语

According to, apart from, because of, in front of, in addition to, in spite of


1 空间/方位

位置:at, on, in, before, after, behind, between, above, among, below, beside near, over, under

方向:to, into, along, at, down, for, from, out of, toward, up 经过/穿过:across, by, over, through, past 遍及:throughout, all over, all along 2 时间

at:⑴确切时间 at 9 oclock

⑵用餐时间 at lunch/tea/dinner time ⑶节日 at Christmas/Easter ⑷年龄 at the age of 13/ at 25 ⑸其他时刻 at noon/night/midnight

on: ⑴星期几 on Monday/Tuesday ⑵几月几日 on April.1st

⑶节日也可用 on Christmas Day/New Years Day

⑷时间前有定语修饰时也可用 on Monday morning/that night/a snowy day (一般是一整天的概念)

in:⑴一天中的某段时间 in the morning/afternoon/evening ⑵月份 in April/May/June ⑶年份 in 2008/1998/2015

⑷季节 in (the)spring/summer/autumn/winter ⑸世纪 in the 6th/21st century ⑹时期 in that period/the holidays 3 原因

because of/for/with 4. 方式方法

by/in/with/through 5. 数量

