
时间:2024-01-15 00:22:21 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1.We are given to understand that


You are a state-owned corporation handing chemical product. B.你公司有意在平等互利的基础上与我公司建立业务关系。

You intend to establish relations with us on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. 2.We are desirous of


Obtaining the latest catalogue of your export items. B.把你方的新产品介绍给我方客户。

introducing your new products to our customer. 3.Please do not hesitate to write us


Any recommendations regarding the promotion of Chinese fruits and dried fruits. B.你方需要订购手机的时候。

When you are prepared to order for cell phones. 4.As you know


Many foreign merchants are desirous of trading with us. B.我们已经和世界上100多家商号建立了贸易关系。

We have already established business relations with more than 100 firms in the world.

5.We are appreciative of


You intention to establish business relations with us. B.你方愿意到广交会来洽谈业务。

You willingness to approach us for business at Canton Fair. 6.Please send us your shipping instructions. A.以便我们备货装船。

To ensure us to get the goods ready for shipment. B.以便我们租订舱位。

So that we may book shipping space. C.以便我们办理海关手续。

So that we can proceed with the customs formalities. 7.According to the contract stipulations. A.唛头由卖方选定。

The shipping mark should be at the buyers option. B.买方必须在九月份内完成货物的装运工作。

The buyer should complete the shipment with September. 8.We would rather...than.../We prefer... A.装直达轮,而不在新加坡转船。

We prefer shipment by direct steamer to transshipment via Singapore. B.货物用木箱包装,箱净重100公斤,不用双层麻袋包装。

We prefer to pack the goods in 100kgs net wooden cases, rather than in two-ply gunny bags.



C.采用付款交单方式,而不采用60天期汇票支付。 We prefer D/P to draft at 60 days sight for payment. 9.It is expressly stated that


Goods should be shipped on board before the end of October. B.500公吨花生应于9月装运,其余500公吨于10月装运。

500mts peanuts should be shipped in September, the rest 500mts in October. C.1000公吨花生必须一次装船。

1000mts peanuts should be shipped in one lot.


Please note that payment should be made by a confirmed, irrevocable L/C, payable by sight draft, allowing partial shipments and transshipment.


Your request for payment by D/P has been taken into consideration. In view of the small amount of this transaction we are prepared to effect shipment on this basis. 12.你方可能记得,按照我方第321号售货确认书规定,有关信用证应不迟于1115日到达我处。因此,希望你方及时开证,以免耽误装运。

You may recall that according to the stipulations of our S/C No.321 the relevant L/C should reach us not later than Nov.15. We ,therefore hope that you will open it in time so as to avoid any delay in effecting shipment.


We wish to draw your attention to the fact that the 800bicycles under contract No.268 have been ready for shipment for quite some time,but we have not yet received your covering L/C to date. Please open the L/C as soon as possible so that we may effect shipment.


Money order of USD$1000 is on the way to clear the outstanding payment. 15.我们高兴地通知贵公司,现可以接受按买方指定的图纸和包装的订单。

We are pleased to advise you that orders made to your designated designs and packing may also be entertained.


The cigars are packed 5 places to a small packet, 20 packets to a carton, 144 cartons to a cardboard container.


For goods liable to be spoiled by damp or water, our containers have the advantage of being watertight and airtight.

18.请将装运给我们的货物投保水渍险和战争险。 19.请按发票价的110%投保。

20.至于第435号合约项目下的300部相机,我们将自行办理保险。 21.至于索赔,我们的保险公司只接受超过实际损失5%的部分。 22.请告知我们价格是否包括偷窃及提货不着险。

