专业八级-221 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、TRANSLATION(总题数:5,分数:100.00) 1.交流促进发展。一个国家、一个民族,只要不是由于主观和客观的种种原因而长期处于孤立、闭塞的状态之中,或多或少都可以从交流中得到好处。 事实上,在现代国家中,绝对不受外来影响的固有文化是不存在的。一位美国的著名历史学家曾经写道:“任何国家的文明,来自外来影响的产物总是多于本国的发明创造。如果有人要把英国文化中任何受外国影响或来源于外国的东西删除掉,那么,英国的文化就所剩无几了。” (分数:20.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:() 解析:Exchange promotes development. Any country or nation can more or less benefit from exchange if it does not isolate itself from or shut its doors to the outside world for any reasons, subjective or objective. In fact, there is not any native civilization on earth that does not bear traces of external influences. A noted American historian once wrote: "The civilization of any country is much more the product of external influences than of native invention. If one subtracted everything from the English culture that had foreign roots or antecedents, there would be little left." 2.听起来有理,其实是个因噎废食的逻辑,这个学生之所以在小学、中学12年间没有学会自制自律,就是因为他们一直接受喂哺式的辅导,那么大学来继续进行“育婴”,这岂不是一个没完没了的恶性循环?把学生口里的奶嘴拿掉,我们总要有个起点;大学不做,更待何时?再说,我们对大学教育的期许是什么?教出一个言听计从、循规蹈矩、不穿拖鞋短裤的学生和教出一个自己会看情况、做决定、下判断的学生——究竟哪一个比较重要? (分数:20.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:() 解析:These remarks sound reasonable, yet in fact they are quite illogical. It is because the students have all along been taught in a spoon-fed manner that they haven"t acquired independence and self-discipline after 12 years of schooling. Wouldn"t it merely result in an endless vicious circle if this sort of "babysitting" is continued at university level? If we"re going to take away the dummies from the mouths of students, we have to start somewhere; and if not at the university, then where? Besides, what are the aims of our university education? To turn out submissive and rule-abiding students who never wear slippers and shorts, or students who are able to independently assess a situation, make decisions and pass judgments, which is more important? 3.义和利,貌似相反,实则相通。“义”要求人献身抽象的社会实体,“利”驱使人投身世俗的物质利益,两者都无视人的心灵生活,遮蔽了人的真正的“自我”。“义”教人奉献,“利”诱人占有,前者把人生变成了一次义务的履行,后者把人生变成一场权利的争夺,殊不知人生的真价值是超乎义务和权利之外的。义和利都脱不开计较,所以,无论义师讨伐叛臣,还是利欲支配众生,人与人之间的关系总是紧张。 (分数:20.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:() 解析:Indeed, righteousness and gain, seemingly poles apart, have much essence in common. Righteousness calls for a devotion to the whole society while gain drives one to pursue material interests. In both cases, one"s disposition is overlooked and his true "self" concealed. "Righteousness" teaches one to give while "gain" induces one to take. The former turns one"s life into a process of fulfilling endless obligations while the latter breeds a life-long scramble for wealth and power. We must remember, however, the true value of life is beyond obligations and power. Both righteousness and gain are yoked by calculating minds. That"s why we often find ourselves in a tense interpersonal relationship whether Mr. Righteousness is commanding or Mr. Gain controlling. 4.中国有书法艺术,得力于两方面的因素。一是汉字,汉字是以象形为基础的方块文字,它具有独特的优美形式,为书法艺术的形式感提供了条件。一是毛笔。毛笔的发明,是中国文化史上的重要事件,它不仅是书法艺术产生的基础,中国绘画的独特形式在一定程度上也来自于毛笔。由兔毫、羊毫、狼毫等做成的毛笔,柔软而富有弹性,可以产生丰富的变化,为书法艺术的产生提供了可能。 (分数:20.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:() 解析:The evolution of Chinese calligraphy has benefited from two factors: one is the square-shaped pictographic characters, whose beautiful forms provided preliminary conditions for the art of calligraphy; and the other is the writing brush, an important invention in the history of Chinese culture and the basis for calligraphy to germinate and develop and to some extent, the incubator of the unique form of Chinese painting. The writing brush, made from either rabbit, sheep or wolf hair, feels soft, supple and is elastic and highly ductile. It paved the way for the emergence of the art of calligraphy. 5.在中国人的心目中,桃总是与仙、寿、神联系在一起,故有“仙桃”、“寿桃”、“王母桃”等雅号。时至今日,人们还是将桃作为吉祥之物。在中国农村,逢年过节在门上贴桃符。有的地方大年初一要喝桃汤,因为桃是五行之精,可以“压服邪气”、“制百鬼”。不但桃有仙缘,连桃木都有神灵,而且她在民间的威望比桃还大。早在先秦时代的古籍中,就有桃木能避邪的记载,一切妖魔鬼怪见了都逃之夭夭。 (分数:20.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:() 解析:Chinese people often associate peach with immortals, longevity and gods. Hence, peach derived such elegant names as "Peach of Immortality", "Longevity Peach the Lady Mother"s Peach of Immortality", etc. Up to now, people still view peaches as mascots. In Chinese villages, on festivals, peach wood charms are pasted on doors to ward off evil spirits. In some regions, on the first day of Chinese New Year, people drink peach soup, regarded as the essence of the five elements, which can exorcise spirits and suppress evil influences. Not merely peach is closely related to immortals, peach wood has great power against evil as well, who enjoys a higher prestige than peach. As early as the pre-Qin period, some ancient books recorded peach wood could avoid evil spirits, and scare all sorts of evil-doers. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/ebe47142b8f3f90f76c66137ee06eff9aff8492a.html