第二节书面表达满分25分1手机支付(mobile (xy)

时间:2022-07-17 16:44:17 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
第二节书面表达满分251手机支付(mobile (xy)

Mobile payment is a means of payment in mobile

payments, but people usually pay mobile payment as a mobile payment. The main function of products for consumers through some channels selected, through the mobile phone carrier to pay, in short, is to allow mobile users to use their mobile devices (usually mobile phone) to pay an accounting services for the consumption of goods or services. Customers via SMS, WAP, client and other forms, the use of mobile phone number, payment cards, bank cards and other payment accounts, provide bill payment, mobile phone recharge, utility fee, order goods and services, finance, consumer and other self-help brush mobile phone mobile phone self-service payment service. Dragon mobile payment mobile POS machine is one of the mobile payment products.


