

时间:2023-02-14 13:29:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1. The manager allocate duties to the clerks.   A. assign

  B. persuade

  C. ask

  D. order

  2. The once barren hillsides are now good farmland.

  A. hairless

  B. bare

  C. empty

  D. bald

  3. It is postulated that a cure for the disease will have been found by the year 2000.

  A. challenged

  B. assumed

  C. deducted

  D. decreed

  4. We must abide by the rules.

  A. stick to

  B. persist in

  C. safeguard

  D. apply

  5. From my standpoint,you know,this thing is just funny.

  A. position

  B. point of view

  C. knowledge

  D. opinion


  划线词的意思是“分配,分派,把……拨给”,A项意为“指派;分配”,例:Jack was assigned to the assembly shop of the factory.杰克被分配到厂里的装配间工作。B项意为“说服”,例:The salesman persuaded us to buy his product.那个推销员说服了我们买他的产品。C项意为“询问;请求”,例:I have asked some friends for tea.我请了一些朋友来喝茶。D项意为“命令”,例:The chairman ordered silence.主席要大家安静。


  划线词的意思是“贫瘠的”,B项意为“光秃的”,与划线词意思相近,例:The fierce sun parched the bare earth.灼热的阳光炙烤着光秃秃的大地。A项意为“无毛发的”。例:His face is smooth and hairless.他的脸光滑无毛。C项意为“空的”,例:His room is empty.他的房间是空的。D项意为“秃头的”,例:He shaved his head bald.他剃了个光头。


  划线词的意思是“假定”,B项意为“假定,设想”,例:I assumed you can speak French fluently.我以为你能讲流利的法语。A项意为“挑战”,例:They had challenged and beaten the best team in the world.他们曾向世界上的球队挑战并将他们打败。C项意为“扣除,减去”,例:Nowadays income tax is normally deducted from a person’s wages.现在,所得税通常是在发工资前就已经扣除了。D项意为“判决,裁定”,例:The committee decreed the movie unsuitable for children.委员会裁定这部影片为儿童不宜片。


  划线词的意思是“遵守(坚持)”,A项意为“坚持”,例:We must stick to the principle.我们必须坚持原则。B项意为“坚持”,in表示“在……方面”,一般指坚持做某件事,后面不跟表示“原则”、“规则”、“合同”等词,例:He will persist in riding that dreadful bicycle.他执意要骑那辆破自行车。C项意为“保护,维护”,例:We must safeguard our national interests.我们必须保卫国家的利益。D项意为“申请”,例:He has applied for a post in England.他已申请在英国供职。


  划线词为合成词,stand(站立)+point(点)→standpoint(立场,观点)。B项也有“观点”的意思,可以与划线词替换,例:From my point of view,teachers are not well paid.依我看,教师们薪水不高。A项意为“位置”,例:The runners got into position on the starting line.赛跑运动员已进入起跑线上的位置。C项意为“知识”,例:Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。D项意为“观点”,但常用搭配为“in one’s opinion”,例:In my opinion,it is a very sound investment.照我的看法,这是很可靠的投资。

