A woman surnamed Huang was astonished after activating her new iPhone7 and finding 82 photos already in the phone’s album.
在激活自己入手的iPhone 7新机之后,黄女士大吃了一惊,因为她在手机中发现了82张陌生人的照片。
Huang preordered the phone on Sept. 9 via Apple’s official website, and received the phone on the morning of Oct. 27. After unpackaging and activating the phone, Huang discovered the photos, which included a number of selfies. According to dates listed in the photo album, the photos were taken between Sept. 27 and Oct. 17.
9月9日黄女士通过苹果预定了iPhone 7新机,并于10月27日早间收到了手机。但是在打开包装激活手机之后,黄女士却在手机中发现了这些照片,其中还包括一些自拍照。据手机中相册标注的时间显示,照片拍摄的时间在9月27日到10月17日之间。
Huang decided to contact Apple’s customer service. When she did, an employee promised that the company would send Huang a new phone. However, the employee offered no explanation for why the photos were on Huang’s - purportedly brand new - phone in the first place.
The next day, Apple’s customer service contacted Huang to arrange the phone exchange, but this time Huang refused. She demanded a reasonable explanation for the incident. According to the service staff, the incident with Huang’s phone, as well as several other similar incidents, were all caused by iCloud account leaks. However, Huang claimed that she never used the backup function, and that her account couldn’t have been hacked.
The customer service department then explained that, based on Huang’s description, the photos could have been left over from functional tests, as workers may have forgotten to delete them. Apple pledged to appropriately deal with Huang’s appeal.