

时间:2023-11-11 14:28:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Kim Jong Un instructed North Korean troops to "wipe out South Korea" in the latest sign of aggression from North Korea’s supreme leader. Kim’s remarks came during a military border exercise this week as the United Nations Security Council adopted sanctions targeting Pyongyang’s coal exports.
  “We must forcefully respond to those South Koreans. At first strike we must completely break the will of those South Koreans and wipe them all out," Kim said according state-controlled television network KCTV.
  Kim spoke directly to a marine brigade and a frontline unit that has been tasked with fighting Seoul. The drills included the rapid firing of artillery and Kim was briefed on their training plan, UPI reported Friday.
  The annual winter training exercise was held near a disputed maritime border in the Yellow Sea.
  South Korea hasn’t taken Kim’s threats lightly, especially after Pyongyang claimed earlier this year it had carried out a successful test of a nuclear warhead and tested a high powered rocket engine that could be used for an intercontinental ballistic missile. In September, South Korea’s defense minister revealed it has a plan to assassinate Kim if necessary.
  "Yes, we do have such a plan," Han Min-koo said during a parliamentary meeting. "If it becomes clear the enemy is moving to attack the South with nuclear missile, in order to suppress its aims, the concept [of the special forces] is to destroy key figures and areas [that] include the North Korean leadership."
  The U.N. Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution Wednesday imposing new sanctions against North Korea’s exports of coal, its biggest export.

