

时间:2023-11-01 15:57:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

As tensions between Japan and its neighbours, especially China, but also very much Korea, continue to simmer - over territory, over history and over political rhetoric - the Asia-Pacific is clearly not at peace; it is far more in a "pre-war" than a "post-war" ethos. This is extremely dangerous; the region is a tinderbox and a loose spark could cause a major conflagration at any moment.
  On the occasion of US President Barack Obama’s visit to Hiroshima, he commented on how this marked a strengthening of the US-Japan bilateral relationship.
  Though it did not include an apology, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has decided to reciprocate by paying a visit to Pearl Harbor. It would indeed be a good symbolic gesture.
  And, especially, it should make peace with China. If the two largest economies of Asia are at daggers drawn, the consequences cannot be conducive to peace and prosperity. There can be no doubt whatsoever that Japan was the aggressor and China the victim.
  Whether Mr Abe should or should not go to Pearl Harbor to make amends is a bit irrelevant. That is not where the powder keg is.
  Where Mr Abe should go, and urgently, is to Nanjing. Next year, 2017, will mark the 80th anniversary of the massacre, when over a period of six weeks in late 1937, troops of Imperial Japan killed hundreds of thousands of people and raped an estimated 20,000 women. The wounds have far from healed; they continue to fester.
  By Mr Abe visiting Nanjing and paying homage to those who were killed, brutalised and raped, Japan would be taking one giant step to peace in the Asia-Pacific. The alternative is what we have now; it is not sustainable.

