

时间:2023-11-01 06:36:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

A Beijing mother’s article describing how her 10-year-old son was bullied at school went viral, bringing back memories for Chinese people who were bullied and triggering widespread discussion on parenting.   最近,一位母亲将自己10岁儿子在学校受欺凌的事件写成文章发表在朋友圈内,在引起圈内疯狂转发的同时,也引发了人们关于校园霸凌事件和教育孩子的一系列思考。   Zhongguancun Second Primary School, a renowned primary school in Haidian District, on Saturday morning issued a statement saying it has been communicating with parents on both sides, and called for the public to let the school handle the situation.   该事件所发生的地点是北京市海淀区的一所小学——中关村二小,校方在12月10日发表声明,表示学校已经和双方家长进行过沟通,也呼吁社会可以给学校一些空间,让校方自行处理。   "The school has been actively talking with the relevant parents to solve the dispute objectively and fairly." it said.   校方在声明中提到:“学校已经联系双方家长并进行积极沟通,希望可以客观且公平地解决此事。”   After having a toilet waste-paper basket thrown on his head and being mocked by other classmates, the fourth-grade boy was diagnosed with acute stress disorder, a mental illness characterized by severe anxiety, according to the article published online Thursday.   该事件中的受害者是一名四年级的学生,其母亲在文章中写道:同班的同学对孩子在卫生间里扔下了一个垃圾筐,正好砸在自己孩子头上,尿和擦过屎的纸洒了他一身,那几个孩子见状嘲笑着跑开了。事后,孩子便表现有中度焦虑等症状,到医院检查得知患了急性应激障碍。   It said the school described the case as a "joke that went too far," and that the parents of the boy who threw the basket believed their son was "just being naughty."   此外,文章中还写道:校方将此事认定为孩子间开的“过火的玩笑”,扔垃圾筐孩子的父母也表示自己的孩子不过是淘气了些而已。   The mother wrote that her son had been bullied for almost a year by his classmate.   当事人母亲则表示自己的孩子已经被学校同学欺负了近一年之久。   The father, surnamed Wang, told Xinhua that his son is still emotionally unstable and not currently going to school.   孩子的父亲王先生在接受新华社采访时则说道自己的儿子精神方面仍然不太稳定,最近一段时间也没有去上学。   "We are accompanying him to adjust, and he will not return to school until the case is closed," he said.   王先生说道:“我们会陪着他调整状态,直到事情解决之后再回学校上课。”   The parents of the bully have not yet answered their phone calls.   然而,那几位扔筐孩子的家长一直没有对当事人的电话作出回应。   Although the article has not been verified by the other party or the authorities, it has been shared over 100,000 times on WeChat, and read over 6 million times on Weibo, a Twitter-like service.   尽管该文章还没有经过第三方或其他机构认定,但自在朋友圈发表之后短短时间内便被转发了10万多次,微博上的阅读量也已高达6百万。   People expressed their outrage over the matter, and recalled their past experiences of being bullied.   人们在表达着愤怒的同时,也回忆起了自己童年时期曾被欺负的经历。   One web user, an apparent left-behind child who grew up with her grandmother, said she had been dragged by her hair and spat on during kindergarten and up to fourth grade in primary school.   一位网友表示,自己是个留守儿童,从小跟外婆一起长大。从幼儿园时期一直到小学四年级,她都曾被人用力拽过头发,还被人吐过口水。   "When I reported it to my teacher, he threw a question back in my face, ’why were you the only one being bullied?’" she recalled in her post, adding that the bullying did not stop until she was transferred to another school.   据这位网友回忆:“当我报告给老师之后,老师反过来问我‘为什么人家不欺负别人就欺负你?’”此外,她还透露道自己即使后来转去另一个学校,也依然不能逃脱受欺负的命运。   Another web user said she was sent to hospital for a week.   另一位网友表示自己因为受欺负而在医院住了一周。   "The violent guys had good academic scores, and I was ugly and slow in school. The teacher just turned a blind eye," she said.   “那个人仗着自己考试分数高就总是欺负我,我在我们班长得又不好看,干什么事情动作也慢,老师根本就不正眼瞧我,有欺负我的同学也睁一只眼闭一只眼。”   "My sense of inferiority has haunted me since then," she said, adding that the bullying she suffered at school has influenced her life.   “自从那之后我就特别自卑,到现在为止也总觉得低人一等”,那位网友说道,并表示童年被人欺负的阴影到现在还严重影响着自己的生活。   The case has sparked discussion online on how to educate children to prevent them from being bullied.   该事件一出,人们便针对如何教育孩子并防止孩子在学校受欺负等话题展开了激烈讨论。   An online survey on Weibo, which has drawn 100,000 participants, showed nearly two-thirds of parents would advise their children to take "a tooth for a tooth" response to bullying.   微博上一个在线调查(大约有10万人参与)对调查结果进行了公布,结果显示大约有三分之二的父母会教育自己的孩子在受欺负了之后要“以牙还牙,欺负回去”。   "I will tell my kid not to initiate a violent fight, but if he is bullied he has to fight back," one web user wrote.   一位网友这样写道:“我会教育我的孩子不主动挑事儿,但只要是受了欺负,就得学会还击。”   Bullying and violence at schools and colleges have been widely reported in recent years. In late April, a video that showed a schoolgirl being repeatedly slapped by a group of older girls went viral.   事实上,校园霸凌和暴力事件在最近几年频繁发生。今年四月末,网上公布的一则视频显示一个女孩被一群高年级女孩频扇耳光,曾一度在社会上引起热议。   Last year, a junior-high student jumped from the fourth floor of a school building as he "just could not tolerate being bullied every day any longer."   去年,一个初中生因为“不堪忍受天天在学校受欺负”而从四层高的教学楼上跳楼自杀。   Last month education guidelines, including advice on how to deal with bullying, were released as the country moves to address violence among students.   上个月国家发布的教育方针中就包含如何处理校园霸凌的相关条令,从而为如何解决校园暴力和霸凌事件提供了相关参考。   Students with severe behavioral problems should be transferred to special schools suitable to their needs, or in more serious cases should receive administrative or criminal penalties, the guidelines said.   方针中指出,那些具有严重行为问题的孩子应该被转移到特殊的学校进行特殊教育,情节更严重者还应该受到相应行政或是刑事处罚。   An official with the Beijing Municipal Education Commission told Xinhua that it had ordered the district commission of education and the school to properly deal with the case.   北京市教委的一名领导在接受新华社采访时表示,市教委已经督促区教委和学校尽快妥善处理此事。   Haidian District Commission of Education has not answered phone calls from Xinhua.   但海淀区教委暂时还没有对新华社作出任何回应。

