【#翻译# 导语】生命不是一篇“文摘”,不接受平淡,只收藏精彩。对于考试而言,每天进步一点点,基础扎实一点点,©文档大全网为您提供了“2020年翻译资格考试二级口译强化题”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!
Culturally, China and the UK are both influential countries who have contributed enormously to human civilization. Both countries have created a splendid history and culture. Both are proud of their cultural tradition, yet both are keen on innovation and creation.
我们相信,随着中国国力不断增强,中国 军队将加大参与国际维和、国际人道主义救援等行动的力度,为维护世界和平、促进共同发展作出更大贡献。
We are confident that with the growth of China's national strength, our armed forces will steadily intensify their participation in international peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance. They will do their utmost to contribute more to world peace and common development.
Today’s launch of Chinese language audio tour of Dr. Johnson’s House will further enable that sharing. It will add one more brick to the edifice of China-UK friendship. It is a highly acclaimed achievement in China-UK cultural exchange.
我已连续六年参加你们的“生日聚会”,六年来也目睹了“青年破冰者”的茁壮成长,看到了你们的队伍不断壮大, 欣喜于你们在增强与推动中英关系方面发挥的重要作用。
I have had the honor of attending six of your anniversary celebrations. Through these events, I have seen how much progress has been made. How much the Young Icebreakers have grown in the past six years. How much stronger you have become as an organisation of young people. And how you have developed a vital role in strengthening and advancing China-UK relations.
China's principle in carrying out cooperation along the routes is this: We will foster the conservation culture. This means we will emphasize sustainable and 'green' development. We will strengthen cooperation in eco-conservation, bio-diversity and tackling climate change. What China wants is a network of Silk Roads that is "green".
For hundreds of years, Chinese silk, tea and porcelain travelled thousands of miles along the ancient Silk Roads to reach Britain. These products have found their way into the very heart of British culture. They are the very first goods marking the beginning of trade between our two countries.
The Belt and Road initiative is definitely not a "one man show" by China. The countries along the route will all have their say.
The British people have already made a great start. Chinese people strongly commend the UK government's decision to take the lead of major western countries to join AIIB.
I hope that British business leaders will not only make best use of this ‘golden time’ but also work to consolidate and extend the ‘period of strategic opportunities’.
China is known for having a long history of legal practice and principles. 2,000 years ago, China had its own complete system of written code of law.
Let us first take a look at how political parties work in the West. In the UK, for example, the government formed by the ruling party is empowered to make proposals on legislation. When a bill passes the Parliament and becomes law, it will be binding for the ruling party and the government.
Let us work together to push for all-round exchanges and cooperation between China and Jersey Island. Let us make our mark in China-UK cooperation. Let us lend a hand and cheer for China-UK relations.
Many other thoughts of President Xi are also found in this book, including comprehensive and deeper reforms, adaptation to economic new normal, better welfare and better life for the people, stronger rule of law, cultural advancement, and ecological conservation.
Through this window, readers will also be able to see China's view of the world. They will be able to understand China's sense of responsibility as a member of the international community. They will be able to appreciate how the Chinese Dream and the world's dream go hand in hand.
These new ideas and new initiatives reflect centuries-old Chinese wisdom. They are a clear-cut announcement of China's resolve to pursue peaceful development. They are a passionate expression of China's sincerity to share the benefits of its development with the world. They are a courageous demonstration of China's vision and sense of responsibility.
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