2017年职称英语 考试 报名,2017职称英语理工类C级考试词汇选项及答案解析1


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1. I wonder what your aim in life is. A) goal B) plan C) direction D) system 2. We should not complain about taxes. A) feel unhappy B) say bad things C) care D) praise 3. What were the effects of the decisions she made? A) reasons B) results C) causes D) bases 4. People don’t realize how serious this recession has actually been. A) know B) think C) doubt D) remember 5. First editions of certain popular books cannot be obtained for love or money. A) at any place B) at any price C) in any language D) in any country 6. About a quarter of the workers in the United States are employed in factories. A) third B) fourth C) tenth D) fifteenth 7. Almost all economists agree that nations gain by trading with one another. A) cooperate B) profit C) become more stable D) become more dependent 8. In a bullfight, it is the movement, not the color, of objects that arouses the bull. A) confuses B) excites C) frightens D) divides 9. Passenger shops and planes are often equipped with ship-to-shore or air-to-land radiotelephones. A) highways B) railroads C) speedways D) aircrafts 10. The firemen acted quickly because lives were at stake. A) in danger B) in despair C) out of condition D) out of danger 11. On Thanksgiving in the United States, families gather and give thanks for the blessings of the past year. A) pick up B) come together C) complete D) correspond 12. Some fairy tales teach children to be brave and persistent. A) courageous B) sincere C) loyal D) honest 13. Many fine cooks insist on ingredients of the highest quality. A) demand B) rely on C) prepare for D) create 14. Since the Great Depression, the United States government has protected farmers from damaging drops in grain price. A) slight B) surprising C) sudden D) harmful 15. The poet William Carlos Williams was a New Jersey physician. A) doctor B) professor C) physicist D) resident

