2017年职称英语 考试 报名-2017职称英语理工类C级考试词汇选项及答案解析4


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1. The floor requires washing.
A)calls for B) calls on
C)calls off D)calls up
2. His tales of adventure capture the imagination.
A)captain B) catch
C)cancel D)carry
3. At last they ceased working for lack of capital.
A)stored B) released
C)stopped D)left
4. They certainly are hard workers.
A) happily B) hardly
C) securely D)surely
5. He took charge of our department.
A) controlled B) chatted
C) chose D)cheated
6. The unexpected rainstorm caused the collapse of the roof.
A) breakdown B) breakout
C) breakaway D)break-in
7. He made a comment about the bad road.
A) account B) remark
C) report D)statement
8. They decided to split the difference with each other.
A) complete B) separate
C) compromise D)comprise
9. It's a tragedy that one lacks confidence in himself.
A) faith B) confusion
C) hope D)religion
10. There is a considerable distance between my home and school.
A) great B) important
C) significant D)powerful

