2017年职称英语 考试 报名-2017年职称英语综合类B级完型填空练习10


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 A Powerful Influence

  There can be no doubt at all that the Internet has made a huge difference to our lives. Parents are worried that children spend too much time playing on the Internet, hardly (1) ever doing anything else in their spare time. Naturally, parents are (2) curious to find out why the Internet is so attractive, and they want to know if it can be (3) harmful to their children. Should parents worry if their children are spending that much time (4) staring at their computers? Make use of

  Obviously; if children are bent over their computers for hours, (5) absorbed in some game, instead of doing their homework, then something is wrong. Parents and children could decide how much use the child should (6) make of the Internet, and the child should give his or her (7) word that it won’t interfere with homework.

  If the child is not (8) holding to this arrangement, the parent can take more drastic (9) steps dealing with a child's use of the Internet, which is not much different from (10) negotiating any other sort of bargain about behaviour.

  Any parent who is (11) seriously alarmed about a child's behaviour should make an appointment to (12) discuss the matter with a teacher. Spending time in front of the screen does not (13) necessarily affect a child's performance at school. Even if a child is (14) absolutely crazy about using the Internet,he or she is probably just (15) going through a phase, and in a few months there will be something else to worry about!


  drastic adj.严厉的,极端的

  phase n. 阶段,时期

  arrangement n. 安排


  1. ... make a huge difference ... :……造成巨大改变…

  2. ... children are bent over their computers for hours ... : bend over: ……埋头苦干,孩子们在电脑上花费了数小时......


  1. A) always B) rarely C) never D) ever

  2. A) worried B) concerned C) curious D) hopeful

  3. A) harming B) harmful C) hurting D) hurtful

  4. A) staring at B) glancing at C) looking D) watching

  5. A) supposed B) occupied C) interested D) absorbed

  6. A) do B) have C) make D) create

  7. A) word B) promise C) vow D) claim

  8. A) holding B) sticking C) following D) accepting

  9. A) rules B) procedures C) regulation D) steps

  10. A) dealing B) negotiating C) having D) arranging

  11. A) widely B) heavily C) seriously D) broadly

  12. A) speak B) discuss C) talk D) debate

  13. A) possibly B) necessarily C) probably D) consequently

  14. A) absolutely B) more C) quite D) a lot

  15. A) going B) passing C) travelling D) walking


  1. D 此句句意为"在他们的课余时间几乎不做其他的事情",其中 hardly ever 为固定搭配意 为"几乎不"等同于 never。

  2. C 考查固定搭配。其中A 选项 be worried about 8th. 意为"对……表示忧虑";B 选项 be concerned about 意为"对……感到担心";D 选项 hopeful 意为"有希望的",与句意不符;而 C选项 be curious to sth. 意为"对……表示好奇",与句意一致。故选 C。

  3. B harmful 泛指伤害,而 hurt 强调情感、精神的伤害,根据题意应选民

  4. A四个选项都表示看的意思,stare at 表示"盯着看" ,glance at 表示"瞟一眼" ,100k 泛指看,watch 有观察之意。本句句意为"孩子们花了大量的时间盯着电脑看",故选 A。

  5. D 考查固定搭配。此句句意为"如果孩子在电脑主花费了太长时间,如沉迷网络游戏不是做功课。"A 选项 suppose to ..意为"猜想” B 选项 occupy on sth. 表示"专注于某事",C 选项 interest in 意为"对……感兴趣",而 D 选项 be absorb in sth. 表示"沉浸在……",与 句意相符。故选 D

  6. C. 考查固定搭配 make use of sth. 表示"利用"。

  7. A 考查固定搭配。此句意为"……并且孩子应该保证这不会干预他的功课。",A 选项 word 意为"诺言";B 选项 promise 意为"许诺,允许尸 ;C 选项 vow 意为"发誓" ;' D 选项 claim 意为 仔声称;断言",并且 give word to = promise 表示"许诺",符合句意。故选 A。

  8. A 此句句意为"如果孩子没坚守这个安排……"从句子的意思上'看这里有"坚持"的意思, 所以应该在 A 和 B 之间选择,hold to表示"坚持”,stick to 表示“坚持(信念,理想)“ 选择 A 。

  9. D 固定搭配 take step to do sth. 意为"采取措施做某事"。

