小学英语《Its too big for you》优质课教学设计、教案

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Module 5

Lingling 要回中国了,可是她的旅行包坏了,所以 Ms Smart 给她买一个新包。通过选择和比较,最后买到了一个称心的旅行




功能 语法 (结构、句子)


学习描述物品的特征,学习表达对某物的看法: It’s too big for you..

能在听录音的过程中从语句中辨别出单词: light,

broken, heavy, pocket, hard, easy, big, small

能在句子中正确使用单词:easy, hard, heavy, light, big,



light, broken ,heavy, pocket, hard 能够抄写单词:light, hard, heavy


能听懂描述事物特征及表达对其看法的句子: This black big is nice. It’s easy for him.

能在创设的情境中描述物品的特征并表达自己的看法 It’s too big for you.



能用课文中所学语言看图完成句子: It’s heavy. It’s easy for him.

在词语与相应事物之间建立联想;积极与他人合作,共同完成 学习任务。



UNIT 2 It’s too big for you.


It’s …for…;

It’s too big for you. Try this one in whiter. 功能

如何表达自己的看法 运用任务

1. SB 第二单元活动 5

2. 设一个购物情境,用不同的形容词来描述事物的特征。


Step1.Warmer (热身活动)

(Look at the screen) Can you use it? Review the words and make sentences with them.

I you we she he they it me you us her him them it Step2. Words and leading(单词和导入)

Take out a picture of a coat, and say: I have got a red coat and a blue coat. Point to the picture and: The red one is too big for me, the blue one is too small for me. Have the students make sentences with you, we, she, he, they, it. They can use have got and has got .Explain hard is difficult (hard = not easy). What does Lingling want to buy? Step3.Test teaching. (课文教学)

Play the tape. Listen and answer the questions (Show ppt)

1. What does Lingling want to buy? 2. What can you see on it?

3. What color does Lingling buy at last? 4. What color does Lingling like?

5. Why does she change her mind to buy another color? At last, please the students act the dialogue. Step4. Practice(练习)

1. Show the pictures. Have the students look, say and write. Make sentences with: It’s for…. Draw it on the board. Then the students write the sentences on their exercise book.

2. Show the ppt. Play the tape. Have the students listen and underline the same pronounce, and then do the AB. 3. 完成运用任务 1SB 第二单元活动 5

4、完成运用任务 2:创设一个购物情境,用不同的形容词来描述事物的特征。


再让学生试着找出其他学过的单词,如果没有,教师可以写出一些生词,让他们大胆试读,以加深他们对这种拼读规则的理解。 Step5. Learn to sing. (学习歌曲)

Listen to the tape for several times. Try to sing and do the actions.

Step6. Homework:(家庭作业)

Describe your bag. 板书设计:

UNIT 2 It’s too big for you. It’s …for…;

It’s too big for you. Try this one in whiter.
