实践证明,发挥母语的优势,灵活运用母语于英语教学中,不仅可以提高课堂效率,也可以有效的提高学生的学习效率。我们应该在教学中坚持尽量使用英语,适当利用母语,以 减少学生对母语的依赖性和母语对英语教学的负迁移。教师应该经常进行英汉两种语言的对比教学,使学生充分了解英汉两种语言的特点,尽量避免在实际运用英语时出现负迁移。在英语课堂教学中教师应尽可能地给学生提供听说的实践机会。通过大量的外语练习使学生逐渐习惯外语的表达形式,自觉克服来自母语的不良影响,养成用外语进行思维和交流的习惯,提升用外语进行理解和表达的能力。在鼓励学生学习关语的同时要求他们不要忽视母语知识和文化的学习。因为母语能激发学生对语言普遍性的感知,训练学生形象思维、逻辑思维、综合概括等方面的认知能力从而相应地促进学生英语学习能力的提高。 但是,母语的干扰和抑制是客观存在的,作为教师不应该回避。如果母语运用不当或过度使用会造成许多不良后果,如:学生形成对母语的依赖,觉得常常要借助翻译才能真正理解英语表达的含义;学生会因为教师使用粗糙或不准确的翻译而对相近的语言形式,语义形式,语用特征之间的差异视而不见,以至于过度概括或简化语言。所以我们对母语使用的肯定井不是提倡大量而广泛的使用母语,更不倡导用母语来组织教学。母语是一把双刃剑,既不能完全排斥它积极的一面同时也应该尽量避免过度使用带来的负面影响。仟何一种教学法都不是孤立的,而是和其他形式相结合。英语教师应该在教学中尽量避免母语的干扰,使其与其他教学法相结合以发挥其积极作用。 It has been found that fulfilling the advantage of mother tongue can improve the study efficiently. We should try to use English and properly use Chinese to decrease the dependence of mother tongue and negative transfer. Teachers should always teach them by comparing these two languages. In the English classroom teaching, they should provide the students with the opportunities of listening and speaking as far as possible. It is said that it will make students adapted to the English. At the same time, do not neglect the learning of English knowledge and culture. When encouraging them to learn. But as a teacher , you should admit the interference and restraints of native language. The improperly or excessively of mother tongue will result in many negative effects: 1、 Students will not truly get across the English expressions until through translations. 2、 Students will turn a blind eye to the similar forms of language and semantics due to teachers’ inaccurate translation and excessive simplification of the language. Any kind of teaching methods is combined with other forms. They are not isolated. English teachers should try to avoid the interference of native language and combine it with other teaching methods to take advantage of its positive roles. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/35de18482e3f5727a5e962e9.html