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英语中表示因果关系的方式很多。除原因状语从句之外,名词、介词、连接副词、主动词、并列连词和从属连词等也都可以用来表示逻辑上的因果关系。 一、名词表示逻辑上的因果关系

常用的表示因果关系的名词有resultcause reason等。例如: Ken's illness is the result of drinking heavily.肯生病的原因是酗酒。 What was the cause of the air crash?导致那起空难的原因是什么? 二、介词表示逻辑上的因果关系

从结构来看,介词分为简单介词和复杂介词。简单介词通常由一个单词构成,而复杂介词通常由两个或两个以上的单词构成。简单介词和复杂介词都可以用来表示因果关系。 1.简单介词

常用的表示因果关系的简单介词有fromat throughwith等。例如: He felt very powerless from lack of money.由于缺钱,他感到很无奈。 My mother always rejoices at my success.母亲总是为我的成功而欣喜。 2.复杂介词

常用的表示因果关系的复杂介词有due to, because of, owing to, thanks to, as a result of, in consequence of, on account ofin view of等。例如:

Due to hard work, they won promotion由于工作努力,他们得到了晋升。

The football match was cancelled because of the heavy mist.这场足球比赛因大雾而被取消。 三、连接副词表示逻辑上的因果关系

连接副词在分句之间起连接作用,充当连接性状语。常用的表示因果关系的连接副词有hence, therefore, thus, accordinglyconsequently等。例如:

My mother is ill, hence I must go home now.因为妈妈病了,所以我现在必须回家。 It rained, therefore the game was put off.因为下雨,所以比赛延期举行。 四、主动词表示逻辑上的因果关系 英语主动词分为单词动词和词组动词。单词动词是指由一个单词构成的动词,而词组动词则是指由两个或两个以上的单词构成的动词。单词动词和词组动词都可以用来表示逻辑上的因果关系。 1.单词动词

常用的表示因果关系的单词动词有cause, makeimpel等。例如:

The cold weather caused many animals to die.由于天气寒冷,许多动物都被冻死了。 Her death made him very sad.她的去世令他很难过。 2.词组动词

常用的表示因果关系的词组动词有result in, stem from, bring aboutlead to等。例如: The talks resulted in destroying a lot of missiles.谈判的结果是许多导弹被销毁了。

Their discontent stemmed from low pay and poor working conditions.工资低和工作条件差是他们产生不满情绪的原因。



He drank too much and was ill.他喝了太多的酒,生病了。

He tried hard and passed the final examination successfully.由于学习努力,他顺利通过了期末考试。

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从属连词分为简单从属连词、复杂从属连词、关联从属连词和边际从属连词。这四类从属连词都可以用来引导原因状语从句。 1.简单从属连词

简单从属连词即单词从属连词。常用的表示因果关系的简单从属连词有because, as, sincefor等。例如:

Mary was scolded by her English teacher because she was late again.玛丽因为再次迟到而受到了英语老师的批评。

As she lacked money, she decided not to go to school again.因为缺钱,所以她决定不再上学了。

2.复杂从属连词 复杂从属连词通常由两个或两个以上的单词构成。常用的表示因果关系的复杂从属连词有in that, now thatin as much as等。例如:

I'm very sad now, in that my girlfriend left me.我现在很难过,因为女朋友离开了我。 Now that you've arrived, we can begin.既然你已经到了,我们可以开始了。 3.关联从属连词

关联从属连词是指由两个关联词构成的从属连词。常用的表示因果关系的关联从属连词有 seeing(that)…therefore,和since(表示理由… then/in that case等。例如:

Seeing(that)the weather is bad therefore we have to stay at home.因为天气不好,所以我们不得不呆在家里。

Since I don't complain then/in that case people think I'm satisfied.因为我没发牢骚,所以人们就以为我很满意。 4.边际从属连词

边际从属连词是指实际上起着从属连词作用的某些结构。常用的表示因果关系的边际从属连词有on the ground(s)that, by reason thatfor fear (that)等。例如: They look down on me on the grounds that I am very stupid.因为我很笨,所以他们看不起我。 I didn't attend the meeting by reason that I was ill.我因病没有参加那个会议。 七、非限定短语表示因果关系非限定短语包括不定式短语、-ing分词短语和-ed分词短语。非限定短语能充当主语、主语补语、宾语、宾语补语和状语等多种成分。作状语时,非限定短语可以表示逻辑上的因果关系。 1.不定式短语

Mary seemed very surprised to meet me.玛丽碰见我好像很吃惊。

We were surprised to find her surrounded by five boys.看到她被五个男孩围在中间,我们感到很惊讶。


Not knowing his address, we didn't go to his house yesterday.因为不知道地址,所以昨天我们没去他家。

Knowing English well, he talked to the foreigner without any difficulty.英语很好,所以与那位外国人交谈没有任何困难。 3.-ed分词短语

Machine used, they worked more efficiently机器的使用使他们的工作效率更高了。

Hit by a stone yesterday, he is in hospital now.他昨天被一块石头砸着了,所以现在正躺在医院里。



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词短语。无动词短语可以作修饰性状语,具有多种功能,其中之一就是表示因果关系。例如: Afraid of hurting his feelings, I didn't mention it.由于怕伤害他的感情,我没有提那件事。 Unable to find appropriate words to express myself, I left silendy.由于一时找不到合适的词语来表达,我悄悄地离开了。 九、定语从句表示因果关系

有些从句从语法结构上看是定语从句,但从语义上看却兼有原因状语从句的功能。例如: I don't like that city, which is too noisy.我不喜欢那个城市,因为它太嘈杂了。

Man can't live On the moon, where there is no water or air.人类不能在月球上居住,因为那里既没有水,又没有空气。

十、特定的句子结构表示因果关系 1.“..., it is that...”结构表示因果关系

“..., it is that...”结构中,逗号前的从句提出假设,逗号后的主句则对提出的假设或加以说明,或给出原因。例如:

If I scold you, it is that I love you.我骂你,是因为我爱你。

If he doesn't go, it is that the weather is too terrible.如果他没去,那是因为天气太糟糕了。 2.“not that..., but that...”结构表示因果关系

“not that.., but that...”结构的意思是不是因为……,而是因为……”,其中的that相当于 because。例如:

Not that I want to learn, but that I don't have the heart to make them disappointed.不是因为我想学习,而是因为我不忍心让他们失望。

Not that I was afraid of him, but that I had no choice.不是因为我怕他,而是因为我别无选择。 3.“be+adj.+that...”结构表示因果关系

“be+adj.+that...”结构也常用来表示因果关系,其中的形容词一般是glad, sorry, annoyed, disappointed, surprised, ashameddelighted等。例如: I'm glad that he's feeling better.我很高兴他感觉好点了。

I'm awfully sorry that this has occurred.发生了这件事情,我感到非常抱歉。 4.“n.+that...”结构表示因果关系

Paul didn't fight with her, gentle creature that he was.保罗没有和她打架,因为他是一个性情温和的人。

Mary eloped with Robert, fool that she was.玛丽跟着罗伯特私奔了,因为她是个愚蠢的女人。 5.“why...is because/that...”结构表示因果关系

Why he behaved that way is becanse/that he wanted to save money.他那样做的原因是想省钱。 Why I didn't go to see him is because/that a heavy snow was falling.因为下着大雪,所以我没有去看他。

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