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【#四六级考试# 导语】2023年6月英语六级考试是许多大学生备战的目标,也是考验英语能力的重要关口。六级考试是国家教育部主管的全国性英语考试,旨在测试学生的英语听、说、读、写能力,是大学英语教学的重要组成部分。©文档大全网为考生们提供了丰富的六级备考资料,包括历年真题、模拟试题、听力练习等,帮助考生们更好地备战六级考试,取得优异成绩。

1.2023年6月英语六级翻译练习 篇一

  中华人民共和国成立后,文学开始繁荣。来自当时的苏联(Soviet Union)和西方国家的作品大大影响了中国文学。这一时期作品的主题包括革命历史和国家建设的新生活。最的作品是《红岩》(The Red Rock)和《茶馆》。1978年改革开放后,中国文学又迎来了一次新的繁荣,中外文化交流空前繁荣。今天,中国当代文学也越来越为各国人民所关注。


  After the founding of People's Republic of China,literature began to boom.Works from Soviet Unionthen and western countries exerted a profoundinfluence on the Chinese literature.The themesexpressed in the works of this period coveredrevolution history as well as the new life of nation's construction.The best known works areThe Red Rock and Teahouse.After the Reform and Opening up in 1978,Chinese literature won anew prosperity with sino-foreign cultural exchanges flourishing as never before.Today, Chinesecontemporary literature is drawing more and more attention of the people of the world.

2.2023年6月英语六级翻译练习 篇二

  风筝是中国的一个发明,被赞誉为现代飞机的先驱。它为科学的发展和飞机的生产做出了贡献。第一架飞机的形状便是根据风筝造出来的。中国最早的风筝都是用木头做的,最早可追溯到至少两千年前的战国时期(the Warring StatesPeriod)。纸被发明后,人们开始使用这种新材料制作风筝。早期的风筝被用于军事目的。据历史文献记载,那时风筝的尺寸很大,有些大到足以能够把人带到空中来观察敌人的行动。


  The kite, a Chinese invention, has been praised asthe forerunner of modern aeroplane. It hascontributed to the development of science andproduction of aeroplanes.The first plane was shapedafter the kite.The earliest Chinese kites were made ofwood which can date back as far as the Warring States Period,at least two millennia ago. Afterthe invention of paper, kites began to be made of this new material.Early kites were used formilitary purposes.Historical records say they were large in size;some were large enough tocarry men up in the air to observe enemy movements.

3.2023年6月英语六级翻译练习 篇三

  中国的爱情故事各种各样,它们都是从中国5000年的历史中发展而来的。中国爱情故事源于人们的日常生活,它承载着人们的梦想,反映了人们想要的或者希望过上的生活。中国爱情故事总是包含对抗邪 恶力量的内容,告诉人们追求真爱需要勇气和坚持。作为中国文化的一部分,所有的中国爱情故事都展示了中国人民的勇气、坚持和智慧。


  Chinese love stories are various and they are developed from the Chinese history of 5000 years.They are grown from the daily life of people and carry the dreams of people in which people can lead the life they want or wish to have.Chinese love stories always contain the content of fighting against the evil power,telling people pursuing true love needs courage and insistence.As part of Chinese culture,all Chinese love stories show Chinese people's courage,insistence and intelligence.
