

时间:2023-11-12 01:59:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

China is accelerating research work into digital currency as the country hopes to use new techniques to digitize paper currency and make transactions more transparent and efficient.   中国正在加快数字货币的研究工作,以求使用新技术将纸币数字化,并且使得交易更加透明、高效。   Since China floated plans for a legally-backed digital currency in 2014, two rounds of revisions have been made to the original plan while further research is still underway, according to Yao Qian, the central bank official leading the digital currency research center.   据中国央行主持数字货币研究中心工作的姚倩(音)表示说,自从中国在2014年提出法定数字货币计划以来,原计划已经经过了两轮审查修改,进一步的研究工作也正在进行之中。   China will first introduce the currency in certain money markets and promote its use in a gradual and cautious way, Yao said, without giving a specific timetable.   据姚倩表示,中国将会首先在某些货币市场投入使用数字货币,然后再逐渐、谨慎地对其进行推广,但是她并没有透露具体的时间安排。   Compared with traditional paper money, digital currency uses sophisticated cryptographic techniques, costs less to circulate, improves transaction efficiency and boosts transparency.   和传统的纸币相比,数字货币使用复杂的加密技术,减少了成本、提高了交易效率、还增大了透明度。   The most popular digital currency is Bitcoin, which is not tied to a bank or government, and allows users to spend money anonymously.   目前最流行的的数字货币是比特币,这种数字货币并不依赖某一银行或者政府,允许用户在匿名状态下花钱。   Unlike Bitcoin, China’s digital currency will be issued by the central bank and be legally backed by the government as an alternative to paper money.   和比特币不同,中国的数字货币将是一种由政府支持、央行发行的法定货币,作为纸币的一种替代货币被使用。



