US president-elect Donald Trump threw a tantrum against China Sunday night. He said on Twitter, "Did China ask us if it was OK to devalue their currency (making it hard for our companies to compete), heavily tax our products going into their country (the US doesn’t tax them) or to build a massive military complex in the middle of the South China Sea? I don’t think so!" 上周日晚,美国当选总统唐川普对中国突然发难。他在推特上说道:“中国有问过我们是否可以让他们的货币贬值(让我们的企业难以和其竞争)吗?中国有问过我们是否可以对我们出口中国的产品征收重税(而我们却没有对他们的产品征税)吗?或者中国有问过我们是否可以在南中国海的中央建立一个大规模军事机构吗?我不这样认为!” It is uncertain whether Trump went up against China because he had been irritated by some chiding comments on his receiving a phone call from Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen, or this was a shrewd step in a well-considered China policy. Anyhow, his response is unexpected. 目前尚不清楚川普对中国发难的原因是因为他被对自己和蔡英文直接通电的批评之声所惹怒,还是在充分考虑中国政策之后的一步妙棋。总之,他的这一反应超出了人们的预料。 In his presidential campaign, Trump never mentioned the Taiwan question, and also ducked the issue of the South China Sea. However, he stirred up troubles against China before he is sworn in, which contradicts his isolationism. Considering there are many hawkish figures on his team and Trump is unpredictable, it remains uncertain if someone egged him on to challenge China. 在总统竞选期间,川普从来没有提及过台湾问题,也回避了中国南海事件。但是,现在他还没有宣誓正式成为美国总统就挑起了中国的刺,这违背了他的孤立主义。考虑到他的团队中有很多鹰派人物、而且川普本人也是不可以常理度之,目前尚不清楚是否有人怂恿他挑衅中国。 No matter what the reasons are behind Trump’s outrageous remarks, it appears inevitable that Sino-US ties will witness more troubles in his early time in the White House than any other predecessor. We must be fully prepared, both mentally and physically, for this scenario. 但是无论川普粗暴言论背后有什么原因,似乎有一件事情不可避免--相比于川普之前的所有美国总统,中美关系将在他入主白宫之后最初一段时间内见证更多的麻烦。我们必须做好充分准备--无论是精神上还是身体上--来应对这一情况。 We should stand firm and remain composed. Trump can make a lot of noise but that does not exempt him from the rules of the major power game. He doesn’t have sufficient resources to deal with China wantonly, the second largest economy, the biggest trading country and a nuclear power. His many words will not become deeds. What’s more, except for some political radicals, most US people won’t want to take the risk of sinking into a major-power conflict. 我们必须坚定立场、保持稳定。川普可以造成很多麻烦,但是那并不能豁免他不遵守大国博弈的规则。他没有足够的资源来大肆地对付世界第二大经济体、全球贸易国、有核国家中国。他的许多言论都不能付诸行动。更重要的是,除了一些政治激进分子以外,大多数美国人都不愿承担和一个大国陷入冲突的风险。 We should also adapt ourselves to new changes, including new dynamics in the Sino-US relations. We should take initiative to deal with new challenges, and pay more attention to the bottom line of the Sino-US relationship, and how to achieve a strategic balance between both countries through contention. 我们自己也应该适应新的变化,包括中美关系新动态。我们应该主动应对新的挑战、更加关注中美关系的底线,如何通过竞争实现两国之间的战略平衡。 Trump’s reckless remarks against a major power show his lack of experience in diplomacy. He may have overestimated the power of the US. He may have already been obsessed with the power he is about to have a grip on, and wishes the whole world should follow his lead. He may also believe that if China, the biggest power after the US, is awed by Washington, it will solve all other problems. 川普对一个大国不顾后果的鲁莽言论显示他在外交上缺少经验。他可能过分高看了美国的实力。他可能已经迷恋上了这种他即将掌握的权力,并且希望全世界都遵循他的领导。他也认为如果中国--美国之后国家--慑服于美国,那么其他所有问题就都可以解决了。 No matter what Trump thinks, China must be determined to upset his unreasonable requests at his early time in office, and fight back if his moves harm China’s interests, regardless of the consequences to the dynamics of the Sino-US relationship. If China behaves soft-heartedly for the greater good of the bilateral ties, it will only embolden Trump to be more aggressive. 无论川普怎么想,中国都必须下决心在他执政早期打破他的无理要求、如果他的举动损害了中国的利益我们还将坚决反击,不管那会给中美关系动态带来何种后果。如果中国为了两国双边关系更大的利益而表现得软弱无力的话,那只会鼓励川普更加变本加厉。 Trump’s China-bashing tweet is just a cover for his real intent, which is to treat China as a fat lamb and cut a piece of meat off it. Trump wants to revive US economy, but he knows that his country is not as competitive as it used to be. He is trying to pillage other countries for the prosperity of the US. Trump seems to be wanting to make the US a new economic empire in the 21st century under his leadership, which is about to smash current world economic order. However, he doesn’t know that the US is the biggest beneficiary from the current world order, and he wants to reshape the world order into a winner-takes-all one. 川普抨击中国的推特只是他真正意图的冰山一角,他真正想要做的是把中国当成一只大肥羊、并割下一块肉来。川普想要重振美国的经济,但是他知道这个国家不再像以前那样有竞争力了。他正试图为了美国的繁荣而去掠夺他国。川普似乎想要在自己的领导下,将美国变成21世纪的一个新经济帝国,这将打破目前的世界经济秩序。然而,他并不知道美国是目前世界秩序的受益者,他想把世界塑造成一个“赢家通吃”的局面。 China should brace itself for the possible fluctuations of the Sino-US relationship after Trump is sworn in. We must confront Trump’s provocations head-on, and make sure he won’t take advantage of China at the beginning of his tenure. This initial period will set the foundation for the Sino-US relationship in the next four years. 中国应该做好准备应对川普宣誓就职后中美关系可能出现的波动。我们必须面对川普对中国的正面挑衅,并确保他在就任初期不会占中国的便宜。川普任期最开始的一段时间将奠定未来四年中美关系的基础。