

时间:2023-11-01 05:28:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

US President-elect Donald Trump on Sunday publicly suggested that the one-China policy can be used as a bargaining chip to ask Beijing to make compromises in areas such as trade deals with Washington. The calculating businessman might feel shrewd about seizing China’s fate by the throat through the Taiwan question. However, the truth is this inexperienced president-elect probably has no knowledge of what he’s talking about. He has overestimated the US’ capability of dominating the world and fails to understand the limitation of US powers in the current era.   本周日,美国当选总统唐纳德·特朗普公开指出,“一个中国”政策可用来当作要求北京在与华盛顿的贸易协议等领域做出让步的筹码。这位精明的商人大概觉得自己非常有智慧,拿住了中国的“命门”。而实际上,这位从未有过外交实际经验的美国当选总统很可能根本不知道自己在说什么。他大大高估了美国主宰世界的能力,不了解美国力量在这个时代的局限性。   China has become a country with substantial strength among the countries in the West Pacific Ocean. It has never expanded its battlefront and therefore accumulated enough power to deal with any strategic challenge in its peripheral areas. Especially in the Taiwan Strait, China is now confident enough to arm-wrestle with the US.   中国已是西太平洋靠近大陆近海范围实力非常殷实的国家,中国从未做战线扩张,因而积累了在最近周边对付任何战略挑战的能力。尤其在台湾海峡,中国现在已经有足够的信心与美国掰手腕。   A series of outrageous remarks from Trump reflect that he despises China strategically. Pride goes before a fall. Even before entering the White House, he has already put his cards over blackmailing China on the table. After playing the one-China policy card, the greater part of his strategic initiative has been overused.   特朗普的一系列出格发言显示,他在战略上藐视中国。骄兵必败,他人还没进白宫就已经亮出了敲诈中国的底牌。然而在射出了针对“一个中国”政策的这支箭之后,他的战略主动性就已经预支了一大半。   China must win respect from Trump’s team, otherwise it will be hard to interact with Washington in the next four years. Fantasizing over an appeasement policy is not an option. A new round of gamesmanship between the two countries will be needed to test how much respect the two should pay to each other based on their strength.   中国必须要树立特朗普团队对我方的尊重,否则今后4年的中美交道根本没法打。切不可幻想绥靖政策。中美需要新一轮的斗争,验证双方实力应匹配什么样的相互尊重程度。   Over decades of development, China’s core interests have barely been enlarged, yet its ability to control the risks in the Taiwan Strait and South China Sea has been greatly boosted. We have a whole raft of tools to fight against Trump’s economic and trade threats. It will be a decisive battle for Beijing to safeguard its core interests. If Trump wants to play tough, China will not fail.   中国发展到了今天的程度,我们的核心利益区几乎没怎么扩大,我们对台海以及南海潜在风险的控制力都今非昔比。反击特朗普的经贸威逼,我们也有满满的工具箱。对于中国而言,捍卫自身的核心利益是决定性的一战。如果特朗普要来硬的,中国也不会输于对方。   Beijing should start from severely punishing Taiwan independence forces, exploring the possibility of disciplining those forces through non-peaceful means and make the use of military force an actual option to realize reunification.   北京应当从严惩“*”势力做起,探讨通过非和平手段给“*”不同程度惩罚的可能性,并且让通过武力彻底收复台湾成为真实的选项之一。   Facing Trump, who is always unpredictable, China needs more imagination in its foreign policies. It should dare to make surprise moves and create a new pattern over the relationship with the US - while you play your game, I play mine.   与特朗普打交道,中国需要更多的外交想象力。我们也要敢于采取出其不意的行动,对美形成“你打你的,我打我的”新格局。   Beijing will never drag out an ignoble existence by paying into a protection racket. The strength gap between China and the US for the moment is the narrowest in history. What reason do we have to accept a most unfair and humiliating deal from Trump?   中国不会以交保护费的方式苟且偷安。现在是中美实力相差最小的时代,我们有什么理由从特朗普手里接下一份对中国来说最不平等、甚至能让我们感到屈辱的协议呢?

