【#四六级考试# 导语】学习是一个长期坚持的过程,对于考试而言,每天进步一点点,基础扎实一点点,日积月累,考试就会更容易一点点。以下为“2020年12月英语四级翻译重点词汇与句型”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!
佛教 Buddhism
喇嘛庙 lamasery
因果报应 karma
藏传佛教 Lamaism
观音 Guanyin; Goddess of Mercy; Avalokitesvara
地藏 God of Earth
佛寺 Buddhist temple
释迦牟尼 Sakyamuni
大雄宝殿 the Great Buddha’s Hall
藏经楼 depositary of Buddhist texts
罗汉堂 arhat hall
四大金刚 Four Heavenly Guardians (at the entrance to a Buddhism temple);Four Devarajas
四大天王 Four Heavenly Kings
金刚经 Vajracchedika-sutra
大藏经 Tripitaka
转世灵童 reincarnated soul boy
道教 Taoism
道观 Taoist temple
道士 Taoist priest
伊斯兰教 Islam
清真寺 mosques
古兰经 the Koran
get to the peak/highest point
例句;To get to the peak required such great effort, they worry about what they will do at the bottom.
be of great help to...
例句;The Four Great Inventions are symbols of advanced science and technology in ancient China and of great significance in the development of Chinese and the world's civilizations.
It was the memory/memories of
例句;Perhaps it was the memories of the 1964Tokyo Olympics and the 1988 Seoul Olympics, which were considered turningpoints in their nations’development.
宏观经济 macro economy
通货膨胀 inflation
经济增长 economic growth
泡沫 经济 bubble economy
抑制通货膨胀 curb inflation
贴现率 discount rate
经济全球化 economic globalization
经济特区 special economic zones (SEZ)
货币投放量 the size of money supply
流动性过剩excess liquidity
经济过热 overheated economy
注入流动性 to inject liquidity
存款准备金率 reserve requirement ratio (RRR)
稳健的货币政策prudent monetary policy
微调货币政策 to fine-tune monetary policy
硬着陆 hard landing
软着陆 soft landing
引导降低市场借贷成本to guide the market borrowing costs to a lower level
逆回购 reverse repurchase agreement; reverse repo
only to find/see
例句:He spent almost all his money to buy the hen which was said to be able to lay gold eggs, only to find it could not lay eggs at all.
It is undoubted that/ There is no doubt that...
例句:There is no doubt that war can be avoided if we get down to peace talk.
It is/was said that...
例句:It is said that man is the least biologically determined species of all because he possesses features absent in other natural species.
总需求 aggregate demand
总供给 aggregate supply
市场多元化 market diversification
市场经济 market economy
市场监管 market supervision
购买力 purchasing power
关税 tariff
纳税人tax payer
债务管理 debt management
信用支持 credit support
公开市场业务 open market operation (OMO)
全年预期经济增长目标 the expected growth target for the whole year
经济活力 economic vitality
大规模经济刺激计划 a massive economic stimulus package
定价浮动 price fluctuations
谋求利益化 to maximize profit
地方性政府债务 local government debt/liability
公共财政体制改革 an overhaul of the public finance system
When it comes to...
例句:When it comes to physics, I know nothing.
either... or.../neither...nor
例句:Liking neither the story nor the background music, he fell asleep in the cinema.
be not much of a...
例句:Mike is not much of a teacher for he often skips from one subject to another.