【#四六级考试# 导语】宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。坚持备考的人生,很积极,很宝贵,很励志。冲吧,努力吧!以下为®文档大全网整理的“2020年12月英语四级翻译词汇与句型复习整理”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!
刺绣 embroidery
双面秀 two-sided embroidery
剪纸 paper Cutting
书法 calligraphy
赋诗 inscribe a poem
对对联 matching an antithetical couplet
猜拳 finger-guessing game
皮影 shadow puppet
糖人 sugar-molded
踩高跷 stilt walk
说书 monologue story-telling
老字号 time-honored
相声 cross talk
挂毯 tapestry
蜡染 batik
藤条制品 wickerwork
真丝 pure silk
图章 seal
盆景 potted landscape
屏风 screen
烟嘴 cigarette holder
鼻烟壶 snuff bottle
下象棋 to play Chinese chess
练习书法 to make special studies of calligraphy
画国画 to do traditional Chinese painting
题诗 to inscribe a poem
拨浪鼓 shaking drum
竹苗 bamboo flute
风车 pinwheel
杂技 acrobatics
老字号 time-honored
指南针 compass
造纸术 paper-making techniques
印刷术 paper-printing techniques
It is+形容词+that
例:It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life.
It is+形容词+to do/doing
例:She had said what it was necessary to say.
例:Smoking is so harmful to personal health that it kills seven times more people than automobile accidents each year.
七夕节 the Double-seventh Day
农历月 lunar month
阴历Lunar calendar
乞巧节The Begging Festival
女儿节 The Daughter's Festival
月老庙 matchmaker temples
鹊桥 a bridge of magpies
银河 the Milky Way
织女星 Vega
牛郎星/牵牛 Altair
天鹰座 constellation of Aquila
牛郎和织女 Niu Lang and Zhi Nu/Cowherd and the Weaver Maid
王母娘娘 the Queen of Heaven
玉皇大帝 the Emperor of Heaven
民间故事 Chinese folktales
七仙女 seven celestial princesses
天宫 heavenly palace
凡间生活 mundane life
扁担 shoulder pole
巧食 finger food
八仙桌 square table
刺绣/女红 needlework
插花 flower arranging
果盘 fruit plate
旗袍 cheongsam
花木屐 flower clogs
供品 offering/sacrifice
花灯 festive lantern/a decorative lantern
宫灯 palace lamp/light
烛台 candlestick/a candleholder
香炉 incense burner
get ready for sth.
例句:We have got ready for the party.
as+many/ much+名词+as
例句:It is said that visitors spend only half as much money in a day in Leeds as in London.
例句:The reservoir is three times as big as it was ten years ago.
故宫 the Imperial Palace
护城河 the Moat
午门 Meridian Gate
天坛 the Temple of Heaven
大运河 Grand Canal
回音壁 Echo Wall
九龙壁 the Nine Dragon Wall
鼓楼 drum tower
孔庙 Confucius Temple
长城 the Great Wall of China
烽火台 beacon tower
居庸关 Juyongguan Pass
黄帝陵 the Mausoleum of Emperor Huangdi
秦始皇陵 the Mausoleum of Emperor Qinshihuang
兵马俑 Terracotta Warriors and Horses
十三陵 the Ming Tombs
大雁塔 Big Wild Goose Pagoda
苏州园林 Suzhou gardens
西湖 West Lake
九寨沟 Jiuzhaigou Valley
日月潭 Sun Moon Lake
布达拉宫 Potala Palace
敦煌莫高窟 Mogao Grottoes
乐山大佛 Leshan Giant Buddha
丝绸之路 the Silk Road
泰山 Mount Tai
黄山 Mount Huangshan; the Yellow Mountain
五台山 Wutai Mountain
峨眉山 Mount Emei
九华山 Jiuhua Mountain
华清池 Huaqing Hot Springs
例句:Nothing is so bad but it might have been worse.
例句:Nobody knows what he can do till he has tried.
例句:Who should write it but himself?