【#考研# 导语】衷心地祝贺你,用智慧、才情、胆略和毅力,开辟出一块属于你自己的土地。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的《2019考研英语备考:英语翻译练习【1-5】》供您查阅。
Asian Games emblem
Called "Surging Tides", the emblem for the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 consists of six elements: a Chinese fan, the Qiantang River, a tidal bore, a running track, the internet icon and the glowing red sun of the Olympic Council of Asia. Below the motif is the lettering denoting the host city and the year of the Asian Games.
6日,杭州2022年第19届亚运会会徽(the emblem for the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022)"潮涌"正式发布。潮涌的主体图形由扇面、钱塘江、钱江潮头、赛道、互联网符号(internet icon)及象征亚奥理事会(the Olympic Council of Asia, OCA)的太阳图形六个元素组成,下方是主办城市(host city)名称与举办年份的印鉴,两者共同构成了完整的杭州亚运会会徽。
据杭州亚组委方面介绍,扇面造型反映江南人文意蕴(the cultural heritage unique to the southern regions of the Yangtze River),赛道代表体育竞技(sports competitions),互联网符号契合杭州城市特色,太阳图形是亚奥理事会的象征符号。同时,钱塘江和钱江潮头是会徽的形象核心(the core elements of the emblem),绿水青山展示了浙江杭州山水城市(a city of natural landscapes)的自然特质,江潮奔涌表达了浙江儿女勇立潮头的精神气质。
杭州亚组委副主席兼秘书长、杭州市市长徐立毅表示,会徽是亚运会重要的视觉形象标志,是展示杭州亚运会理念和中国文化的重要载体(major carrier to showcase Hangzhou's visions of the Asian Games and the Chinese culture)。徐立毅还认为,杭州亚运会会徽设计富有时代气息,符合奥林匹克精神(the emblem embodies the character of our times and the Olympic Spirit),彰显举办城市杭州的人文底蕴和城市特质,具有鲜明的形象识别度和原创性,充分表达了广大民众对亚运盛会的热切期待,对构建亚洲和人类命运共同体(build a community of a shared future for Asia and mankind)的美好愿望。
体育赛事 sports event
吉祥物 mascot
田径运动 track and field
电子竞技 e-sports
打破世界纪录 break/beat/shatter the world record
illegal ghostwriting services
As the end of the summer holiday approaches, Chinese elementary and junior high school students increasingly find themselves bogged down with too many school assignments. However, emerging illegal ghostwriting services offered on different online platforms seem like a great "help" to them.
近年来,我国教育相关部门响应国家"减负(burden alleviation)"号召,努力减少学生的家庭作业(try to cut back on homework for students),但越来越多的家长却往往利用假期等课余时间安排孩子上课外辅导班(parents tend to arrange their children's spare time, including vacations, for extracurricular classes)。学生显然无法负荷学校和补习班两方面的作业(cannot bear the homework form by both the school and the cram school),于是为不法写手和商贩提供了商机(business opportunity)。
有报道称,代写行业的服务链(the chain of the ghostwriting industry)是"联系客服(contact customer service)——告知要求(tell the requirements)——确定价格(set the price)——邮寄作业(mail the notebook)——支付议价(pay the agreed fee)——收到成品(get the returned manuscript)"。国内电商平台(e-commerce platform)淘宝网上有不少提供代写服务的网店。微博等社交媒体平台上也能看到代写广告。据报道,大学生是代写主力军(the main force of the ghostwriters)。他们暑期时间充裕,加上渴望挣零花钱(desire to earn pocket money),所以乐于"帮忙"。
抄袭 plagiarism
欺诈行为 an act of fraud
写作软件 writing software
课业负担 homework loads
教育改革 education reform
disclose information, information disclosure
China's Ministry of Civil Affairs has unveiled a regulation requiring charities to disclose information in accordance with the law.
近日,民政部印发《慈善组织信息公开办法》(以下简称办法),办法对慈善组织(charities/charity groups)信息公开(information disclosure)作出详细规定,明确了慈善组织重点公开的财产活动信息,以及有公募资格的慈善组织要公开的募捐信息。办法将于今年9月1日起施行(go into effect)。
办法规定,慈善组织应当依法(in accordance with the law)履行信息公开义务,在民政部门提供的统一的信息平台,向社会公开基本信息、年度工作报告和财务会计报告(yearly work and financial accounting reports)、公开募捐(public fundraising)情况、慈善项目有关情况、慈善信托(charitable trust)有关情况、重大资产变动(major asset changes)及投资、重大交换交易及资金往来、关联交易(connected transactions)行为等情况。
办法同时规定,具有公开募捐资格的慈善组织,还应按年度公开在本组织领取报酬从高到低排序前五位人员的报酬金额,并公开本组织出国(境)经费(expenditure for overseas trips)、车辆购置及运行费用、招待费用、差旅费用(travel expenses)的标准。
办法明确,慈善组织应当对信息的真实性负责,不得有虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏(any false records, misleading statements, or major omissions are not allowed),不得以新闻发布(news release)、广告推广等形式代替应当履行的信息公开义务。慈善组织不及时公开信息(fail to disclose information in a timely manner)或者公开的信息不真实的(disclose false information),任何单位或个人可以向民政部门(civil affairs authorities)投诉、举报。
募捐 raise donations
财务透明度 financial transparency
社会组织 social organization
援助机构 aid agency/organization
食物银行 food bank
义卖会 bazaar
follow-up inoculation plan
A follow-up inoculation plan has been issued by the National Health Commission and the State Drug Administration for people who have received rabies vaccines from Changchun Changsheng Bio-tech Co.
方案指出,接种过长春长生狂犬病疫苗且尚未完成整个接种程序者(those who have received the vaccines from Changchun Changsheng Bio-tech Co but have not gone through the entire inoculation procedure),接种单位免费续种其他公司合格疫苗。已完成接种程序者(those who have completed the procedure),如受种者有补种意愿(still want reinoculation),接种单位在告知防控知识、疫苗的保护作用、接种后注意事项等内容后(being informed by vaccination institutions about prevention and control, the functions of the vaccines and post-inoculation tips),可免费补种(get vaccines for free)。
方案指出,根据世界卫生组织2018年4月的有关报告,狂犬病潜伏期(the incubation period of rabies)通常为1-3个月,罕有超过1年。为保障受种者健康,对接种时间不满1年的受种者,接种单位提供跟踪观察和咨询服务(provide tracking, observation and advisory services)。接种时间1年以上的,如发生异常情况(abnormalities),卫生健康部门继续受理。
方案明确,接种单位设置醒目标识,安排有经验的医务人员提供服务,向社会公开联系方式(make contact information public)。县级以上地方卫生健康部门要各确定1家医疗机构,作为辖区内进一步临床观察的定点医疗机构(designated medical institution)。、省级和地市级组建专家组(expert panel),包括临床研究(clinical studies)、疾病预防控制(disease prevention and control)以及管理领域等专家,指导做好相关服务。
静脉注射 intravenous injection
皮*射 hypodermic injection
疫苗注射 vaccination/vaccine injection
注射死刑 execution by lethal injection
By using the plug-ins, drivers can change the vehicles' normal orientations and driving courses on the Didi Chuxing app, according to the report.
Plug-in,即“插件”,原意是指在计算机系统中安装以实现额外功能的软件,春运期间出现的“抢票软件”就算一种plug-in。这里所说的“*”插件,是司机通过作弊的方式获得高额的车费回报,可以用cheating plug-in来表达。网络游戏中用来作弊的“*程序”则叫做tag-on service,指专门针对一个或多个网络游戏,通过改变网络游戏软件的部分程序制作而成的作弊程序(cheating program)。
Another one of the plug-in's "magical" functions allows Didi drivers to filter orders by specific departures or destinations, letting them target long-distance routes, easily giving the Didi driver an opportunity to double more expensive rides.
对此,滴滴出行方面表示,公司已经监控到该作弊行为,平台上线了反作弊策略来识别这类作弊司机(counter-measure system for detecting the app),一旦确认立即封号处理(block any accounts identified to be using the plug-in),并依据作弊订单金额进行罚款。
If the app's navigation system showed unusual changes in movement, or didn't match the actual route that was being taken, it's likely the plug-in is being used.
叫车软件 car-hailing apps
顺风车 ride sharing/hitch ride
快车 fast ride
代驾 chauffeuring