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【#考研# 导语】假如你曾有过虚度的时光,请不要以叹息作为补偿;明天的路途毕竟长于逝去的岁月。快迈步,前面相迎的是幸福的曙光!以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的《2019考研英语翻译练习【11-15】》供您查阅。



the invisible poor


The invisible poverty-stricken population, or the invisible poor, refers to people whose consumption exceeds their income. They usually live a quality life and spend a lot of money on food, clothing, gym, spas and other daily expenses, which leaves them little or no money in their bank accounts.


近日,"隐形贫困人口(the invisible poor)"成为了互联网上的流行词,指的是那些花的比挣得多的人。不仅在中国,"隐形贫困"现象在许多国家都存在,尤其是在年轻人当中。去新开的餐厅尝鲜(enjoy the newest restaurants),紧跟潮流的时尚衣着(wear the latest fashion),或者来个奢华假期(take expensive vacations),哪个方面都不想落后于小伙伴(fall behind their friends),年轻人们由此累积了数千美元的债务(pile up thousands of dollars in debt)。

被"隐形贫困人口"扎心之后,网友们举一反三,又自创了一波新词。"隐形有钱人口(the invisible rich people)",指有些人看起来每天哭穷祈祷暴富,可实际上非常有钱且正在赚大钱(people who claim that they are broke and praying for sudden wealth, but are actually rich and making a lot of money);"隐形单身人口(the invisible single people)",指有些人看起来撩技高超,但实际上根本没谈过恋爱(those who appear to be adept at flirting but have never been in a relationship in real life);"隐形肥胖人口(the invisible overweight people)",指有些人看起来身材正常,但实际上拥有20斤的肚子和30斤的*(people whose figure appears normal but actually have extra fat in the belly and butt)。好吧,你中了多少枪?


理财 money management

错失恐惧症 fear of missing out (FOMO)

不合理消费 unreasonable consumption

量入为出 live within their means





We have every intention to translate these initiatives of opening-up into reality, sooner rather than later. We want the outcomes of our opening-up efforts to deliver benefits as soon as possible to all enterprises and people in China and around the world.




Foreign equity restrictions on banks and financial asset management firms will be canceled, with equal treatment for domestic and foreign-funded institutions. Foreign banks will be allowed to set up branches and subsidiaries at the same time in the country.


Foreign businesses will be allowed to own up to 51 percent of shares in securities, funds, futures and life insurance joint ventures, and the cap will be phased out over three years.


Securities joint ventures will not be required to have at least one securities firm among its domestic shareholders.


Daily quotas for the stock connect schemes between the mainland and Hong Kong will be quadrupled starting from May 1.



Qualified foreign investors will be allowed to conduct insurance brokerage and assessment business in the country.


Foreign-funded insurance brokers will have the same business scope as their Chinese counterparts do.


一、 鼓励在信托金融租赁汽车金融货币经济消费金融等银行业金融领域引入外资(encourage foreign investors to enter its trust, financial leasing, auto finance, money brokerage and consumer finance sectors)。

二、 对商业银行新发起设立的金融资产投资公司和理财公司的外资持股比例不设上限(no foreign ownership limits will be set for new financial asset investment and wealth management companies initiated by commercial banks)。

三、大幅度的扩大外资银行的业务范围(substantially expand the business scope of foreign banks)。

四、不再对合资证券公司的业务范围单独设限(impose no restrictions on the business scope of joint-venture securities companies),内外资一致。

五、全面取消外资保险公司设立前需开设两年代表处的要求(remove the requirement that foreign insurance companies must have had representative offices for two years before they set up businesses in China)。

此外,易纲还宣布,经过中英两国双方共同的努力,目前沪伦通的准备工作进展顺利,将争取在2018年年内开通沪伦通(launch the Shanghai-London stock connect this year)。


On May 4, Wang Fengya, a three-year-old girl from Taikang County, in central China’s Henan province, died from retinoblastoma, a type of eye cancer that occurs mostly in children under two years of age.




视网膜母细胞瘤(retinoblastoma)是婴幼儿最常见的眼内恶性肿瘤(eye cancer),95%的患者年龄低于5岁,通常由基因突变(gene mutation)所致。

得了这个病的孩子,最常表现为“白瞳”(leukocoria)(正常的眼睛拍照时会出现红色,而不是白色),还可有视力退化(deterioration of vision)、斜视(squint)等其他表现。


大约60%的患者为单眼非遗传型(non-heritable unilateral retinoblastoma),40%的患者是由患病或携带患病基因的父母遗传导致,或者正常父母的生殖细胞突变(germline mutation)所致。




The OS-X suborbital rocket, developed and made by OneSpace Technology. It flew 306 seconds and traveled 273 kilometers through the atmosphere before falling back to the ground, the company said.


“重庆两江之星”为零壹空间OS-X系列的首型火箭,也是中国首枚民营自研商用亚轨道火箭(China's first commercial sub-orbital rocket designed and built by a private enterprise)。该火箭长度9米,总重7200公斤。

该火箭可灵活配置燃气舵(gas rudder)、空气舵(air rudder)、姿控动力(attitude control)等多种控制机构,并具有很强的控制能力,可以根据用户的需求进行定制化设计,能够满足飞行试验所需的各类复杂飞行弹道。

首飞实现了长时间临近空间有控飞行(a long, controllable flight),获取了大量真实飞行环境数据。值得一提的是,本次飞行试验中,零壹空间开展了国内首次“减阻杆(drag-mitigating pole)”“低成本能源(low-cost energy)”“箭上无线通讯(built-in wireless communications devices)”等创新技术的研究,为简化火箭系统设计、降低研制成本打下了坚实基础。


重型运载火箭 heavy-lift carrier rocket

运载能力 payload capacity

起飞重量 liftoff weight

载人空间站 manned space station

无污染燃料 pollution-free fuel

载人飞船 manned spacecraft

空间对接 space docking

近地轨道 low-Earth orbits



birth defect


New research involving half a million pregnant women across China is expected to greatly improve control and prevention of risks related to birth defects, which are likely to increase with the adoption of the universal second-child policy.


随着全面二孩放开(adoption of the universal second-child policy),高龄、高危孕产妇(older and high-risk pregnant women)数量不断增加,如何实现优生优育(bear and rear better children)成为更加重要的社会议题,然而,出生缺陷(birth defect)仍是不少家庭的噩梦。

近日,国家启动重大出生缺陷风险研究项目,该项目由北京妇产医院牵头,17个省市、33家医疗机构参加,将构建中国首个出生缺陷风险数据库(database of birth defect risks),提出适合中国人群孕早期致畸风险监控方案。

这次研究将分析重大出生缺陷发生的危险因素(analyze risk factors for major birth defects),应用大数据挖掘筛选致畸因子(use big data technology to single out factors that may cause birth defects),比如环境、遗传、慢性病等(such as environment, heritage and chronic diseases),并建立风险等级评估系统(establish a risk evaluation system)。

目前预计,标本库中将存入的标本至少会超过100万,数量庞大,未来,这个标本库将会是国际合作、开放共享的(all the samples will be open for sharing with international communities for cooperation)。


孕晚期 later stages of pregnancy

低生育率 low birth rate

线粒体疾病 mitochondrial diseases

产前基因操控 pre-birth gene manipulation



