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box office
For the first time ever, China's quarterly box office performance outshone its North American counterpart, topping the global film market.
2018年一季度,中国*市场票房收入达202.17亿元(boast 20.217 billion yuan in box office receipts),超过北美同期的28.9亿美元(约合人民币183亿元),首次成为世界第一。值得注意的是,在一季度最卖座的10部*中(10 highest-grossing films),国产片(domestic films)入榜7部并占据了前5名,分别是《红海行动》(Operation Red Sea)、《唐人街探案2》(Detective Chinatown 2)、《捉妖记2》(Monster Hunt 2)、《前任3:再见前任》、《无问西东》。而好莱坞大片(Hollywood blockbuster)仅占两席,分别排在第8位和第10位。
此次票房的高歌猛进并非依仗某一类型的*,国内观众的观影口味可谓五花八门(have diverse tastes),排名前5的国产片从题材到类型均不尽相同(vary from genre to style)。比如首部与中国人民解放军海军合拍的*(the first movie co-produced with the PLA Navy)《红海行动》讲述了2015年也门内战期间(during the civil war in Yemen),中国海军帮助中国公民和外国民众撤离(evacuation of Chinese citizens and foreign nationals)的故事。而中国版福尔摩斯片《捉妖记2》则在喜剧中混合了神秘元素(combine comedy with mystery elements)。
中国*市场能这么快超越北美,其身后的推动力就是年轻消费者(young consumers)。根据猫眼*的数据,近80%的观影者为"85后"。同时,生活在二线城市及以下的"小镇青年(small-town youngsters)"正成为*市场的主角。一部意外火爆的《前任3》(The Ex-File: The Return of the Exes and Forever Young),让人们第一次意识到了"小镇青年"的旺盛消费力(strong consumption power),他们正成为中国*票房的重要来源。
*审查 movie censorship
口碑 word of mouth
首映式 premiere
特效 special effect
续集病 sequel syndrome
票房造假 box office scam
China will establish a central adjustment system for basic pension funds of enterprise employees to balance payment burdens of local governments, according to an official document.
《通知》明确,建立养老保险基金中央调剂制度(a central adjustment system for basic pension funds)的主要内容是,在现行企业职工基本养老保险省级统筹基础上,建立养老保险中央调剂基金,对各省份养老保险基金进行适度调剂(a central adjustment fund will be set up to regulate pension funds in various provincial regions),确保基本养老金按时足额发放(help guarantee timely and complete payments to retirees)。
一是中央调剂基金由各省份养老保险基金上解的资金构成(the adjustment fund draws a certain portion from the provincial capital pool),按照各省份职工平均工资的90%和在职应参保人数作为计算上解额的基数,上解比例从3%起步,逐步提高。
二是中央调剂基金实行以收定支(distribution of the adjustment fund will be based on scale of the capital pool),当年筹集的资金按照人均定额拨付的办法全部拨付地方。
三是中央调剂基金纳入中央级社会保障基金财政专户(the adjustment fund is managed by a special account of the central social security fund),实行收支两条线管理,专款专用,不得用于平衡财政预算。
四是现行中央财政补助政策和补助方式不变(the central government will continue supporting local governments in pension distributions),省级政府要切实承担确保基本养老金按时足额发放和弥补养老保险基金缺口的主体责任。
商业保险 commercial insurance
养老保险 endowment insurance
社会保障体系 social security system
社会安 a net for social security
养老金投资 pension funds investment
居家养老服务 home-based elderly care services
It is the first-ever meeting between a DPRK leader and a sitting US president.
They shook hands and held a 40-minute one-on-one meeting, before proceeding to an expanded meeting and a working lunch with their aides.
The US leader described the one-on-one session as "very, very good." During the face-to-face talks, Trump said he had an "excellent relationship" with Kim.
The DPRK leader said he and Trump came here after overcoming "all the obstacles" such as old prejudice and practices that had stood in their way forward.
Predicting a tremendous success of the summit with the DPRK leader, Trump said that it was "an honor" to meet face-to-face with Kim and that he would have "a terrific relationship" with the DPRK leader.
"Working together, we will get it taken care of," Trump said at the beginning of expanded discussions, forecasting that he and Kim will solve "a big problem and a big dilemma."
Kim said he will "cooperate with President Trump to resolve the challenges ahead" and to overcome the skepticism and speculations about their summit.
Trump and Kim signed a document on Tuesday afternoon, a document that Trump described as "very important" and "very comprehensive”.
Kim declares "world will see a major change" and he and Trump "decided to leave the past behind" as they sign document.
A joint statement signed by Trump and Kim. [Photo/Agencies]
1. The United States and the DPRK commit to establish new US-DPRK relations in accordance with the desire of the peoples of the two countries for peace and prosperity.
2. The United States and the DPRK will join their efforts to build a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula.
3. Reaffirming the April 27, 2018 Panmunjom Declaration, the DPRK commits to work towards complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
4. The United States and the DPRK commit to recovering POW/MIA remains, including the immediate repatriation of those already identified.
两国相互对立甚至敌对半个多世纪,今天,两国的领导人能够坐在一起,进行平等对话,这本身就具有重大和积极的意义,就是在创造新的历史(It is important and positive for the top leaders of the two countries to sit down and conduct equal talks , which is creating a new history)。中方对此当然欢迎和支持,因为这是中方一直期待和努力的目标。
我们希望朝美领导人排除干扰,建立互信,克服困难,就推进和实现半岛无核化、推进并建立半岛和平机制达成基本共识,迈出实质性步伐(result in substantive steps toward denuclearization and the establishment of a peace mechanism on the Korean Peninsula)。
王毅希望有关各方都能为此做出努力,强调中方也将继续发挥建设性作用(China will continue to play a constructive role in this regard)。
►China is using climate policy to push through domestic reforms.中国以环境政策推动国内改革能够填补日常复习中所缺乏的一些专业词汇以及背景知识,
●WHEN world leaders gathered in Paris to discuss cutting planet-heating emissions, a pall of smog hung over Beijing. In parts of the capital levels of fine particulate matter reached 30 times the limit deemed safe. Though air pollution and climate change are different things, Chinese citydwellers think of them in the same, poisoned breath. The murky skies seemed irreconcilable with the bright intentions promised in France.
●Yet a marked change has taken place in China’s official thinking. Where once China viewed international climate talks as a conspiracy to constrain its economy, it now sees a global agreement as helpful to its own development.
●China accounts for two-thirds of the world’s increase in the carbon dioxide emitted since 2000. It has come a long way in recognising the problem. When China first joined international climate talks, the environment was just a minor branch of foreign policy. The ministry for environmental protection had no policymaking powers until 2008. Only in 2012 did public pressure force cities to publish air-pollution data.
●Yet today China pledges to cap carbon emissions by 2030 (reversing its former position that, as a developing power, it should not be bound to an absolute reduction); and it says it will cut its carbon intensity (that is, emissions per unit of GDP) by a fifth, as well as increase by the same amount the electricity generated from sources other than fossil fuels. The latest five-year plan, a blueprint for the Communist Party’s intentions that was unveiled last month, contains clear policy prescriptions for making economic development more environmentally friendly.
►There’s more 更多内容
●Right after the Paris summit, however it ends, China is expected to make more promises in a new document, co-written by international experts, that presents a far-reaching programme of how China should clean up its act. It is based on models that account for both economic and political viability. On top of existing plans, such as launching a national emissions-trading scheme in 2017, the government may even outline proposals for a carbon tax, something that has eluded many prosperous countries in the West.
●The big question is why China is now so serious about climate change. The answer is not that Communist leaders are newly converted econuts. Rather, they want to use environmental concerns to rally domestic support for difficult reforms that would sustain growth in the coming decades. Since a global slowdown in 2008 it has become clear that to continue growing, China must move its economy away from construction and energy-intensive industry towards services. At the same time, China faces an energy crunch. For instance, in recent years China has been a net importer of coal, which generates two-thirds of China’s electricity. It all argues for growth plans that involve less carbon.
●This is where signing international accords, such as the one hoped for in Paris, come in, for they will help the government fight entrenched interests at home. Observers see a parallel with China’s joining the World Trade Organisation in 2001. It allowed leaders to push through internal economic reform against fierce domestic opposition. In the same way, a global climate treaty should help it take tough measures for restructuring the economy.
●It will not be easy. Provincial party bosses and state-owned enterprises hate to shut factories, particularly in those parts of the country, such as Shanxi and Inner Mongolia in the north, where coal is a big employer. Cutting demand for energy is even harder. Even if the amount of electricity used by state industry falls, that used by private firms and households is bound to increase. What is more, environmental regulations and laws laid down by the centre are routinely flouted.
●But cleaning up China’s act has, for the central government, become a political necessity too. Environmental issues have been major public concerns for over a decade, says Anthony Saich of Harvard University, which has conducted polls. True, rural people fret most (and with good reason) about water pollution. But those in the cities gripe about their toxic air. Both represent a reproach to the government over its neglect of people’s lives and health.
●That is why national economic goals, political goals, public opinion and international pressure all point towards trying to cut emissions, pollutants included. In particular, says Zhang Zhongxiang of Tianjin University, now that dealing with climate change is a pillar of China’s diplomacy, the government must show it can keep its promises. It has some tools at its disposal. Across the country, the environmental record of government officials has become a crucial part of their evaluation by the Communist Party; and cadres will be held accountable for their actions even after leaving their position. Several provinces have already punished officials for environmental accidents and for not enforcing environmental laws.
►Fifty shades of grey 五十度灰
●But there are obstacles to real change. The electricity grid and national power market are ill-equipped to increase renewable generation by much. Corruption in industrial procurement remains widespread, which does nothing to promote long-term efficiency or reductions in emissions. Competing incentives are also in play: earlier this year, the authorities forced a big Chinese investment company to buy back shares it had sold in old-fashioned industrial fields, for fear that it might depress share prices (which crashed anyway in a more general stockmarket meltdown). The government will not trust market mechanisms alone, says Yang Fuqiang of the Natural Resources Defense Council, an activist group.
●Nor are leaders yet pushing for change on all fronts. For instance, government efforts to cut emissions of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide are greater than for many other greenhouse gases. Scarce and polluted water, one of China’s most severe environmental challenges, is almost entirely beyond the scope of the current raft of reforms. And China refuses to publish its estimate of the environmental toll of economic growth.
●Sceptics scoff that China’s promises in Paris are irrelevant because emissions will probably peak regardless, long before the promised 2030. Nor has the government said how high that top might be. Yet the sceptics underestimate the importance of an international agreement for China and beyond. Like other countries, China has to date followed a pattern of “grow first, clean up later”. Yet very quickly it has recognised the dangers and drawbacks of such a policy and has been pouring money into clean energy and other innovations it hopes will provide green growth. In that, it may prove a model for other fast-developing countries. That might signal a small patch of blue sky.
火山爆发 volcano eruptions
Consulate General of China in Los Angeles issued an alert message Saturday morning, warning Chinese citizens not to stay in dangerous zones in Hawaii's Big Island, which has been suffering strong volcano eruptions and earthquakes since Thursday.
据美国地质勘探局地震信息网消息,夏威夷群岛的岛屿比格艾兰岛(Big Island“大岛”)当地时间4日中午发生6.9级地震,震中邻近正处于喷发状态的基拉韦火山(the Kilauea Volcano)。当地政府启动应急响应机制,疏散周围居民,火山所在的夏威夷火山国家公园(the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park)已部分关闭。
中国驻洛杉矶总领事馆在通告中提醒中国公民,关注火山活动情况,遵从当地政府部门指引(follow the directions of the local government),避免进入高危险区域。
据夏威夷州当地应急部门通告,对人们健康的威胁来自火山喷发后飘落的灰烬和地质活动在地表形成裂缝后排出的有毒气体(toxic gas)。
The Hawaiian Volcanoes Observatory said eight vents, each several hundred meters long, opened in the neighborhood since Thursday. By late Saturday, the fissures had quieted down and were only releasing steam and gas.
Authorities cautioned sulfuric gas pouring out of the vents posed dangers, particularly to elderly and people with respiratory problems.