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【#考研# 导语】愿你像那小小的溪流,将那高高的山峰作为生命的起点,一路跳跃,一路奔腾,勇敢地、勇敢地奔向生活的大海。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的《2019考研英语翻译练习【26-30】》供您查阅。


OneSpace Technology, China's first private rocket producer, declared the maiden launch of the company's OS-X rocket from a testing base in Northwest China a success Thursday.




self-driving bus


One of China's biggest technology companies has declared it has begun mass production of a self-driving bus. Baidu said the vehicles would initially be put to commercial use within Chinese cities but added it was also targeting foreign markets.


百度首席执行官李彦宏近日在北京举行的百度AI开发者大会(artificial intelligence developer conference)上宣布,百度和金龙客车合作的全球首款L4级自动驾驶巴士(level-4 self-driving bus)"阿波龙"(Apolong)正式量产下线。这款8座巴士的大小为普通巴士的1/3,没有驾驶位、方向盘、油门及刹车踏板(It has no driver's seat, steering wheel or pedals)。这款巴士由电力驱动(runs on electric power),充电2小时后最多能行驶100公里(can travel up to 100 km after a two-hour charge)。

根据国际自动机工程师学会(SAE)的自动驾驶分级标准,L4级别为超高度自动驾驶(highly automated driving)级别,在大多数环境下由系*自完成所有的驾驶操作(systems can cope with most driving conditions)。它比等级5级低一级,L5级别则可扩展到所有驾驶场景(extends to all driving scenarios),包括泥路(dirt roads)和异常天气条件(unusual weather conditions)等。

李彦宏表示,2018年将是自动驾驶产品化元年(2018 marks the first year of commercialization for autonomous driving),过去中国向世界出口廉价商品(cheap commodities),未来中国将向世界出口人工智能技术(AI technology)。有国外专家认为,从短期看,此类交通工具比自动驾驶小轿车更有可能被公众接受(such vehicles have a greater chance of public acceptance than self-driving cars)。


人工干预 manual intervention

自动变道 auto lane change

避障 obstacles avoidance

找车位 hunt for a parking spot


The Golden Week refers to a consecutive seven-daynational holiday. In 1999, China started to carry outthe Golden Week policy. Since then, the GoldenWeek has enriched people's daily life and promotedthe development of social economy by encouragingpeople to travel and spend. Nevertheless, there is no denying that the problems caused by theGolden Week are getting obvious, such as the traffic jams, overcrowded tourist spots andrising prices. In 2012,the Chinese government announced that expressways nationwidewould be toll-free during important holidays, including the two seven-day holidays around theSpring Festival and the National Day, which, to some degree led to the highly increased numberof vehicles and people going out.

黄金周(the Golden Week)是指连续7天的全国性假期。1999年,中国开始推行黄金周政策。从那以后,黄金周通过鼓励人们旅游和消费,丰富了人们的日常生活,促进了社会经济的发展。然而不可否认,黄金周带来的问题也日益明显:交通拥堵、旅游景点人满为患以及物价上涨。2012年,中国政府宣布重大节假日期间全国高速公路免收通行费,其中就包括春节和国庆两个7天假期,这一政策从某种程度上又导致了出行车辆和人数的增加。


Didi Chuxing, China's largest ride-hailing operator, said on Wednesday that it will suspend its hitch ride service from 10 pm to 6 am as part of its response to the killing of a female passenger. Passengers and drivers will receive safety warnings for orders near 10 pm.



A Sichuan Airlines plane made an emergency landing in Chengdu on Monday after its cockpit windshield blew out.


