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【#考研# 导语】我深深地理解,耗费了多少时间,战胜了多少困难,你才取得眼前的成绩。请你相信,在你追求、拼搏和苦干的过程中,我将永远面带微笑地站在你的身旁。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的《2019考研英语翻译练习【6-10】 》供您查阅。


马克思诞辰两百周年 Karl Marx's 200th birth anniversary

President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, delivered a speech during a conference to mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Friday morning.


With noble ideals and no fear of difficulties and adversities, throughout his lifetime, Marx devoted himself to perseverantly striving for the liberation of humanity, scaling the peak of thoughts in his pursuit of truth, and the unremitting fight to overturn the old world and establish a new one, according to Xi.


习*说,马克思主义是科学的理论,创造性地揭示了人类社会发展规律;马克思主义是人民的理论,第一次创立了人民实现自身解放的思想体系;马克思主义是实践的理论,指引着人民改造世界的行动;马克思主义是不断发展的开放的理论,始终站在时代前沿(Marxism is a constantly developing theory and always stands at the forefront of the times)。


学习马克思,就要学习和实践马克思主义关于人类社会发展规律的思想(we should study and practice Marxist thought on the law of the development of human society);

学习马克思,就要学习和实践马克思主义关于坚守人民立场的思想(we should study and practice Marxist thought on upholding the people's position);

学习马克思,就要学习和实践马克思主义关于生产力和生产关系的思想(we should study and practice Marxist thought on productivity and the relations of production);

学习马克思,就要学习和实践马克思主义关于人民民主的思想(we should study and practice Marxist thought on people's democracy);

学习马克思,就要学习和实践马克思主义关于文化建设的思想(we should study and practice Marxist thought on cultural development);

学习马克思,就要学习和实践马克思主义关于社会建设的思想(we should study and practice Marxist thought on social construction);

学习马克思,就要学习和实践马克思主义关于人与自然关系的思想(we should study and practice Marxist ideas on relations between humans and nature);

学习马克思,就要学习和实践马克思主义关于世界历史的思想(we have to study and practice Marxist ideas on world history);

学习马克思,就要学习和实践马克思主义关于马克思主义政党建设的思想(we have to study and practice Marxist ideas on party building)。


地下云图网 underground seismic network for earthquake monitoring

According to the plan, 2,000 monitoring stations will be built in two years in Sichuan and Yunnan, two quake-prone provinces in southwest China, said scientists with the Institute of Care-life, a disaster-reduction lab based in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan.


地下云图网(underground seismic network for earthquake monitoring)是通过在四川、云南建设2000个地下云图监测站(monitoring stations),实时关注与地震发生直接相关的物理量——地下应力和能量(underground stress and energy),从而形成它们的动态演化图。

新建设的川滇地下云图网的主要科学目标是,解决浅源(深度小于20千米)破坏性地震的临震预报(to predict shallow earthquakes whose epicenters are less than 20 kilometers deep)难题。临震预报(imminent earthquake prediction)是指对某地几天以内,在较小范围内可能发生的破坏性地震做出的预报。

按照科研计划,地震预警四川省重点实验室、成都高新减灾研究所将用1至2年建成川滇地下云图网;再用3年时间,运用新建设的地下云图网采集10个左右破坏性地震的案例(monitor the region for three years and expect to collect data on about 10 earthquakes in this period),进行地震预报的内部技术试验等。目前,首个地下云图网监测站和传感设备,已在汶川县映秀地震台部署完成。


科学工程 "big science" projects

China's State Council has issued a set of guidelines to encourage the launch of more international "big science" projects.


The guidelines, which were distributed to provincial-level governments as well as ministries and institutions of the State Council, called on them to take the lead in launching international big science research plans and projects, using domestic and overseas scientific resources.


《方案》指出,国际大科学计划和大科学工程(international big science research plans and projects)是人类开拓知识前沿、探索未知世界和解决重大全球性问题的重要手段,是一个国家综合实力(comprehensive strength)和科技创新竞争力(competitiveness in science and innovation)的重要体现。大科学计划以实现重大科学问题的原创性突破(original breakthroughs in major scientific problems)为目标,是基础研究在科学前沿领域的全方位拓展,对于推动世界科技创新与进步、应对人类社会面临的共同挑战具有重要支撑作用。


近期目标:到2020年,培育3—5个项目,研究遴选并启动1—2个我国牵头组织的大科学计划,初步形成牵头组织大科学计划的机制做法(forming a mechanism of launching big science projects),为后续工作探索积累有益经验。

中期目标:到2035年,培育6—10个项目,启动培育成熟项目,形成我国牵头组织的大科学计划初期布局(building a preliminary framework of launching big science projects),提升在全球若干科技领域的影响力(enhancing China's influence in several scientific and technological fields around the world)。

远期目标:到本世纪中叶,培育若干项目,启动培育成熟项目,我国原始科技创新能力显著提高,在国际科技创新治理体系中发挥重要作用(playing significant role in international scientific innovation and governance),持续为全球重大科技议题作出贡献(contributing to major global scientific and technological issues)。


长江考察 trip along the Yangtze River



The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation can only be achieved through untiring struggle.


We must rely on our own efforts, and hold the great strength in our hands.


To get core and key technology, begging alms won't work. We must rely on our own hard work.




Restoration of the river's ecological environment is an arduous task that the new era has entrusted to us and the high expectations of the people.


We must not allow the ecological environment of the Yangtze River to continue deteriorating in the hands of our generation, and we must leave our descendants a clean and beautiful Yangtze River.




We must proceed from the long-term interests of the Chinese nation to put restoring the ecological environment of the Yangtze River at a dominant position, making all-out efforts to protect it, and forbidding large-scale development of the river.


The aim is to build the economic belt into a golden economic belt featuring more beautiful ecology, more smooth transport, more coordinated economy, more integrated market and more scientific mechanisms.



First, efforts should be made to properly deal with the relationship between pressing ahead on the whole and making breakthroughs in key areas, so as to protect and restore the ecological environment of the Yangtze River in all aspects.


Second, efforts should be made to properly deal with the relationship between ecological environment protection and economic development, and explore a new path which puts ecology first while pursuing green development.


Third, efforts should be made to properly deal with the relationship between making an overall plan and making unremitting efforts, and stick to a single blueprint until the end.


Fourth, efforts should be made to properly deal with the relationship between getting rid of old growth engines and cultivating new engines, and facilitate the establishment of a modern economic system for the Yangtze River economic belt.


Finally, efforts should be made to properly deal with the relationship between developing individually and developing in a coordinated way so as to make the economic belt an efficient economic entity.


博鳌亚洲论坛 Boao Forum for Asia

President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2018 on Tuesday.


博鳌亚洲论坛2018年年会于4月8日至11日在海南博鳌举行。本次年会以"开放创新的亚洲,繁荣发展的世界(An Open and Innovative Asia for a World of Greater Prosperity)"为主题。在主旨演讲(keynote speech)中,习*主席宣布,中国决定在扩大开放方面采取一系列新的重大举措(a number of landmark measures to boost opening-up)。

第一,大幅度放宽市场准入(significantly broaden market access)。今年,我们将推出几项有标志意义的举措。在服务业特别是金融业方面,去年年底宣布的放宽银行、证券、保险行业外资股比限制的重大措施要确保落地(ensure these measures are materialized),同时要加快保险行业开放进程,放宽外资金融机构设立限制,扩大外资金融机构在华业务范围,拓宽中外金融市场合作领域(ease restrictions on the establishment of foreign financial institutions in China and expand their business scope, and open up more areas of cooperation between Chinese and foreign financial markets)。在制造业方面,目前已基本开放,保留限制的主要是汽车、船舶、飞机等少数行业,现在这些行业已经具备开放基础,下一步要尽快放宽外资股比限制特别是汽车行业外资限制(going forward, we will reduce as soon as possible limits on foreign investment in these industries, automobiles in particular)。

第二,创造更有吸引力的投资环境(create a more favorable investment environment)。投资环境就像空气,空气清新才能吸引更多外资(investment environment is like air, only fresh air can attract more investment from the outside)。过去,中国吸引外资主要靠优惠政策(rely mainly on providing favorable policies for foreign investors in the past),现在要更多靠改善投资环境(improve the investment environment)。我们将加强同国际经贸规则对接(enhance alignment with international economic and trading rules),增强透明度(increase transparency),强化产权保护(strengthen property right protection),坚持依法办事(uphold the rule of law),鼓励竞争、反对垄断(encourage competition and oppose monopoly)。今年3月,我们组建了国家市场监督管理总局,还有一些其他新的机构,对现有政府机构作出大幅度调整(a major readjustment of government institutions),坚决破除制约使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用、更好发挥政府作用的体制机制弊端(remove the systematic and institutional obstacles that prevent the market from playing a decisive role in resources allocation, and enable the government to better play its role)。今年上半年,我们将完成修订外商投资负面清单工作(complete the revision of the negative list on foreign investment),全面落实准入前国民待遇(national treatment)加负面清单管理制度。

第三,加强知识产权保护(strengthen protection of intellectual property rights)。这是完善产权保护制度最重要的内容,也是提高中国经济竞争力的激励(the biggest boost to enhancing the competitiveness of the Chinese economy)。对此,外资企业有要求,中国企业更有要求。今年,我们将重新组建国家知识产权局,完善加大执法力度(step up law enforcement),把违法成本显著提上去(significantly raise the cost for offenders),把法律威慑作用充分发挥出来(fully unlock the deterrent effect of relevant laws)。我们鼓励中外企业开展正常技术交流合作(normal technological exchanges and cooperation),保护在华外资企业合法知识产权。同时,我们希望外国政府加强对中国知识产权的保护。

第四,主动扩大进口(expand imports)。中国不以追求贸易顺差(trade surplus)为目标,真诚希望扩大进口,促进经常项目收支平衡。今年,我们将相当幅度降低汽车进口关税(lower the import tariffs for vehicles),同时降低部分其他产品进口关税,努力增加人民群众需求比较集中的特色优势产品进口(import more products that are competitive and needed by the Chinese people),加快加入世界贸易组织《政府采购协定》进程。我们希望发达国家对正常合理的高技术产品贸易停止人为设限,放宽对华高技术产品出口管制(stop imposing restrictions on normal and reasonable trade of high-tech products and relax export controls on such trade with China)。今年11月,我们将在上海举办首届中国国际进口博览会。这不是一般性的会展,而是我们主动开放市场的重大政策宣示和行动(a major policy initiative and commitment taken of our own accord to open up the Chinese market)。欢迎各国朋友来华参加。

