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The Museum: The Charles Dickens Museum in London is the world's most important collection of material relating to the great Victorian novelist and social commentator(评论员).The only surviving London home of Dickens (from 1835 until 1839) was opened as a museum in 1925 and is still welcoming visitors from all over the world.On four floors, visitors can see paintings, rare editions, manuscripts, original furniture and many items relating to the life of one of the most popular and beloved personalities of the Victorian age. Opening Hours ◇ The Museum is open from Mondays to Saturdays 10:00-15:00; Sundays 11:00-15:00. ◇ Last admission is 30 minutes before closing time. ◇ Special opening times can be arranged for groups, who may wish to book a private view. Admission Charges: Adults: £5.00; Students: £4:00; Seniors: £4.00; Children: £3.00; Families:£14.00( 2 adults & up to five children) Group Rates: For a group of 10 or more, a special group rate of £4.00 each applies. Children will still be admitted for £3.00 each. Access: We are constantly working to improve access to the Museum and its collection.Our current projects involve the fitting of a wheelchair ramp (活动坡道)for better access, a customer care kit and an audio tour for visitors with impaired (受损的) vision.Our Handling Sessions are also suitable for the visually impaired.The Museum has developed an online virtual tour through the Museum.Click here to visit all the rooms in the Museum online. Hire the Museum: The Museum can be hired for private functions, parties and many other social occasions. Find Us: The Museum may be reached by using the following buses: 5, 15, 19, 38, 45,44, 55, 243.And by these underground services: Piccadilly Line; Central Line.For a map, please click here.The British Museum and the Foundling Museum are within walking distance 【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者介绍了查理狄更斯博物馆的一些信息包括博物馆展品、开放时间、博物馆的票价以及租赁等。 1. In the Charles Dickens Museum, people can’t find . ApaintingsBrare editionsCmanuscriptsDCars 2. Compared to going there separately, if a family with two adults and five children go to the Museum together they will save A£25.00B£14.00C£11.00D£ 9:00 3. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? AIn any case people cannot visit the Museum after 15:00. BThe Museum is not very far from the British Museum. CVisitors with poor vision cannot enjoy the Museum. DAnyone cannot hire the Museum for other users. 4 .The passage is written to . Aoffer readers some information about the Charles Dickens Museum. Bto help the readers have a better understanding of Charles Dickens Cinform readers about the history of the Charles Dickens Museum. Dtell readers how to make use of the Charles Dickens Museum. 分值: 8分 查看题目解析 > 2 Born in China, a documentary directed by Chinese filmmaker Lu Chuan, came out on Aug 12 in the mainland. Born in China not only brings to audiences the lives of animals that are rarely seen in the wild , but also shows audiences Chinese traditional culture. The film mainly focuses on life and love within three animal families: A symbol of China, the giant panda is both black and white. Its body is thought to show yin and yang, which ancient Chinese ideas of the world were based on. Yin shows darkness and yang shows brightness. The panda’s gentle nature also shows how yin and yang, when perfectly balanced, lead to peace and harmony. Unlike the shy giant pandas, monkeys always have strong personalities. On the one hand, it is a symbol of impatience, as in the Chinese phrase that translates as “monkey anxious”, but on the other hand, its use in Chinese points to cleverness and energy. While the golden monkey learns to protect his family, a mother snow leopard – an animal rarely caught on camera – also faces the very real drama of raising her two cubs (babies) in a difficult environment. The leopards, known for their rapid attacks and quick footwork, have inspired a form of pictographic boxing (象形拳) in Shaolin martial arts. “Born in China is a means to show off Chinese traditional culture,” director Lu told the Binhai Times newspaper. “From five-animal exercises to pictographic boxing, Chinese people have learned from wild animals since ancient times.” 【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者介绍了导演陆川的纪录片“生在中国”的故事梗概。 5. Which of the following animal families is not focused on in Born in China? ATigers.BB. golden monkeysCC. giant pandasDD. snow leopards 6. Why is the Chinese phrase “monkey anxious” mentioned in Paragraph 4? ATo show how popular monkeys are with Chinese. BTo prove that monkeys stand for “impatient” in Chinese . CTo help readers have a better understanding of Chinese culture. DTo make the film more appealing to the audience. 7. Born in China is _____________. Aa fantasy cartoon BB. a horror film Ca nature-themed documentary Da romantic drama 分值: 4分 查看题目解析 > 3 CHANGCHUN—A pair of endangered Amur leopards have been spotted in the northeastern Chinese Province of Jilin. It is the first time that field cameras have caught two Amur leopards at the same time in Jilin, home to a quarter of all the rarest cats in the world. One of the reasons for the sighting is an improved habitat for the animals, which are at a high risk of extinction. China established a nature reserve in Hunchun in 2011 to protect Far Eastern big cats like Amur leopards and Siberian tigers. On Tuesday, Lang Jianmin, education director with the animal conservation bureau in the forest-clad Hunchun City, said, “The two leopards, a male and a female, are very much like lovers. ” Lang said the film of the leopards, side by side, was taken on November 14. “We’ve hardly seen pictures like these. Amur leopards do not live together unless they are mating. And the honeymoon, once every three years, lasts only about a week, ”Lang added. Amur leopards, classified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as critically endangered, are in the highest risk category in IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. In 2005, IUCN concluded that Amur leopards were extinct in China and only 19 to 24 survived in Russia. However, the rare scene of the couple, together with a survey released in April shows that the population of Amur leopards has been recovering in China. The survey, co-conducted by Jilin Provincial Forestry Department (JPFD)and World Wide Fund for Nature, said that the predators (捕食性动物) are making a comeback as China has improved efforts to protect forests and fight poaching. 【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者通过介绍了在长春发现一对远东豹以及中国在保护远东猫科动物方面所取得的进步。 8. The passage is probably taken out of   . Aa diaryBan essayCa reportDa novel 9. Which of the following is TRUE about Amur leopards? AThey have been recovering due to measures taken. BThey usually live together to search for food. CTheir population has greatly risen in China. DThey are often caught by field cameras. 10. Which of the following is NOT the measure mentioned to protect Amur leopards? AImproving habitats. BProviding enough food. CProtecting forests. DFighting poaching. 11. What is the purpose of the passage? ATo instruct what to do to protect Amur leopards. BTo educate people to learn more about Amur leopards. CTo arouse our curiosity about Amur leopards. DTo introduce China’s progress of protecting Amur leopards. 分值: 8分 查看题目解析 > 4 Super Typhoon Megi crashed into the Philippines on Monday, leaving a trail of destruction in its path. Thousands of residents fled to safety as heavy rains and strong winds caused flooding, collapsed trees and cut off power. It was the strongest storm to hit the island nation in four years. At least seven people died in the storm, and at least six others were injured by falling trees, broken rooftops and glass, officials said. More than 4,150 residents were forced to take shelter in schools, town halls, churches and relatives' homes. A typhoon is a tropical cyclone, or hurricane, that occurs in the western Pacific or Indian Oceans. The storm is named a “super typhoon” when winds exceed 150 mph. Megi crashed ashore in the Isabela province of the northern Philippines with whipping winds that reached 142 mph. The storm created big waves in Palanan Bay. All ships and fishing boats were advised to stay in ports. Several airline flights were canceled. Luckily, the winds blew high from the ground, sparing many rice fields from damage, says Alvaro Antonio, the governor of Cagayan province. The region also took a hard hit from the storm. Thousands of military reserve officers and volunteers stood by to help with relief efforts. Evacuations and emergency preparations for the storm were made days in advance. Retired army Major General Benito Ramos heads the Philippines' disaster preparedness agency. He said readying for the typhoon was like “preparing for war.” 【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者主要介绍了超级台风“鲇鱼” 袭击菲律宾所带来的破坏。 12.How many people were homeless in this natural disaster? AAt least six.BMore than 4,150.CAbout 13.DAt least seven. 13.What does the underlined word mean? AAvoiding.BLoosing.CTaking.DProtecting. 14.Which of the following didn't get involved in this disaster? AMilitary reserve officers. BVolunteers. CArmy DDisaster preparedness agency. 15.What can we infer from the major General's words? AThe preparing work is all done by soldiers. BThey did the same thing with soldiers. CThe army should get into the relief efforts. DThe preparing work is tough. 分值: 8分 查看题目解析 > 5 Speaking English is not only about using proper grammar. To use English effectively, you need to understand the culture in which it is spoken. Here are a number of important tips to remember when speaking English in the United States. 14 Talk about location. Americans love to talk about location. When speaking to strangers, ask them where they are from and then make a connection with that place. For example: “Oh, I have a friend who studied in Los Angeles. He says it’s a beautiful place to live in.” 15 . Talk about work. Americans commonly ask “What do you do?”. It’s not considered impolite and is a popular topic of discussion between strangers. Talk about sports. Americans love sports! However, they love American sports. 18. Address people. Many Americans prefer using first names, even when dealing with people in very different positions. Americans will generally say, “Call me Tom.” 19 . 20 Always shake hands. Americans shake hands when greeting each other. This is true for both men and women. Other forms of greeting such as kissing on the cheeks are generally not appreciated. Smoking is out! Smoking, even in public places, is strongly disapproved of by most Americans in the modern United States. A. Most Americans will then willingly talk about their experiences living or visiting that particular city or area B. Conversation Tips C. When speaking about football, most Americans understand “American Football”, not soccer D. Talking with people E. Americans prefer to make friends with foreigners F. Public Behavior G. Then they expect you to remain on a first name basis 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 分值: 10分 查看题目解析 > 6 Last Friday a storm swept through two villages in the New Territories, which destroyed fourteen homes. Seven others were so badly damaged 41 their owners had nothing to do 42 leave them, and fifteen others had broken windows or roofs. One person was killed, several people were 43 (serious) hurt and taken to hospital, and 44 number of other people received smaller hurt. Altogether over two hundred people were homeless after the storm. A farmer, Mr. Tan, said that the storm began early in the morning and lasted for over an hour. “I was eating with my wife and children,” he said, “ 45 we heard a loud noise. A few minutes later our house fell down 44 top of us. We tried our best 45 (climb) out but then I saw that one of my children was 48 (miss). I went back inside and found him, 49 (safety) but very frightened.” Mrs. Woo Mei Fong said that her husband had just left for work when she felt her house was moving. She ran outside at once with her children. Soldiers helped to take people out of the 50 (flood) area and the welfare department brought them food, clothes and shelter. 【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者介绍了一场暴风雪对新领域的两个村庄的破坏情况。 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 分值: 15分 查看题目解析 > 7 51.There is an old woman in our town calls Old Alice who said to be 108 years old. This can't be proved though she doesn't have a birth certificate. All her personal papers are destroyed during World War Ⅱ. I don't know if she really is so old, and it doesn't matter. She certain looks very old. Of course, she is often asked questions by people who want to be told the secret of long life. Old Alice always answered them like this, “If you are offered cigarette, never accept it; if you are annoyed by someone, never lose his temper; and if you are asked foolish questions, never answer to them.” 分值: 10分 查看题目解析 > 完型填空 本大题共20小题,每小题 1.50分,共30分。 8 Eco-tourism involves people traveling to beautiful but environmental sensitive places. Such trips are 21 carried out with an experienced guide. Over recent years, this type of travel has been steadily gaining 22 as more people search for new travel experiences. Eco-tourism has many benefits. First, all the 23 spent by the tourists is used to 22 the important environmental spots they visit. Second, it helps 23 to better understand the environment, there by 24 their knowledge of the world. Furthermore, this style of travel is also more 25 of the local culture. Compared to 28 tourists, eco-tourists use energy more efficiently, save water and produce less rubbish by finding ways to 29 it. These behaviors have a 30 and lasting effect on the local environment. Two things are needed to make eco-tourism a/an 31 . First, it should be done in small groups. And second, because it requires considerable effort, both eco-tourists and locals must be 32 in their commitment () to improving the environment. Green travel provides local people with jobs in parks, 33 and shops. One great achievement of eco-tourism has been the 32 of illegal hunting. Former hunters can now work as guides to help keep the animals 33 in their natural surroundings. Green travel also 34 local people's quality of life, especially children's. Peru is one country using eco-tourism to promote respect for the 35 . It's now able to take better care of its rainforests because of a/an 38 on more sustainable travel. 39 this, local people's living-standards have improved. Many others are now following Peru's 40 and using eco-tourism to preserve their environment for the future generations. 【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者介绍了保护环境尊重当地文化的生态旅游模式。 21. AfinallyBroughlyCsuddenlyDusually 22. ApleasureBpopularityCsatisfactionDFreedom 23. AenergyBtimeCmoneyDEffort 24. AprotectBpolluteCpurchaseDExplore 25. AscientistsBhuntersCvisitorsDGuides 26. AapprovingBenrichingCconfirmingDSupporting 27. AAwareBrespectfulCuncertainDIndependent 28. AnormalBcuriousClazyDRich 29. AuseBrestrictCcopyDrecycle 30. AchallengingBdisappointingCriskyDPositive 31. AtoolBadventureCsuccessDSymbol 32. AsincereBpoliteCdoubtfulDGrateful 33. AminesBhotelsCschoolsDFactories 34. AbanBresultCappearanceDDecline 35. AcloseBfriendlyCsafeDActive 36. AinfluencesBexaminesCimprovesDBalances 37. AlawBenvironmentCeconomyDhosts 38. AfocusBtheoryCeffectDdiscussion 39. AIn addition toBAccording toCIn spite ofDBut for 40. AtraditionBruleCadviceDExample 分值: 30分 查看题目解析 > 书面表达 本大题共25分。 9 52.Dear Rose, I’m Li Hua. On behalf of the Students’ Union of Yuchai High School, ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Li Hua 9 正确答案及相关解析 正确答案

【参考范文】 Onepossible version: Dear Rose, I’m Li Hua. On behalf of the Students’ Union of Yuchai High School,I ’m inviting you to give us a lecture on British andAmerican newspapers, magazines and other media in the school Culture Week. Thetarget audience are about 800 students from Senior 2. We hope the lecture willlast 2 hours. We are eager for more knowledge about Englishpapers and magazines so that we can access more information from the media.With your guidance, we can cope with them easily. Besides , your lecture willhelp extend our insight into the most famous newspapers and magazines like theNew York Times, Newsweek, the Times and so on. The lecturewill be held in the meeting hall on the second floor at 15:00, Nov 1st. We’llappreciate it If you accept our invitation. Lookingforward to your early reply! LiHua 解析

本题是一篇邀请函,属于记叙文体裁,根据材料中提供的要点信息,可以写成三段论样式的文章。学生可联系生活适当发挥,表述连贯即可。 【参考范文】 One possible version: Dear Rose, I’m Li Hua. On behalf of the Students’ Union of Yuchai High School,I ’m inviting you to give us a lecture on British and American newspapers, magazines and other media in the school Culture Week. The target audience are about 800 students from Senior 2. We hope the lecture will last 2 hours. We are eager for more knowledge about English papers and magazines so that we can access more information from the media. With your guidance, we can cope with them easily. Besides , your lecture will help extend our insight into the most famous newspapers and magazines like the New York Times, Newsweek, the Times and so on. The lecture will be held in the meeting hall on the second floor at 15:00, Nov 1st. We’ll appreciate it If you accept our invitation. Looking forward to your early reply! Li Hua 考查方向

本题是一封邀请函。 解题思路

这是一篇邀请函。主要人称为第一人称,基本时态以一般现在时为主。 首先第一段是介绍自己表达意图和英语讲座的具体事宜。第二段是表达对被邀请人的到来的迫切之情。第三段是希望被邀请人届时参加。一方面,要注意文章的层次分明结构完整流畅。另一方面,注意语气温婉,如文章可使用 We hope … We are eager for,... We’ll appreciate it if....使句式多样、语气较为婉转。 .参考词汇和短语:第一段开头先写I’m Li Hua. On behalf of the Students’ Union of Yuchai High School ...., 第二段 We are eager for more knowledge about English papers........第三段开头:The lecture will be held in the meeting hall,.......等可以让文章看起来比较和谐流畅。 易错点


