Speaking after confidante Choi Soon-sil and two aides were charged, Chief Prosecutor Lee Young-ryeol said Ms Park was "involved as a conspirator".
在朴槿惠闺蜜崔顺实和两名幕僚被起诉之后,韩国总检察官李勇伟(Lee Young-ryeol)发表讲话称朴槿惠“在该案中扮演了一个阴谋家的角色”。
Ms Park’s lawyer said that prosecutors had "built a house of fantasy".
The president has immunity from prosecution but has faced huge protests and opponents have urged her to quit.
Chief Prosecutor Lee said the president would be questioned soon.
However, although she had previously pledged to co-operate in the investigation, her lawyer, Yoo Young-ha, said on Sunday that Ms Park would not meet prosecutors and would only deal with an independent team that will soon take over the inquiry.
然而,尽管朴槿惠之前曾过会配合调查,但是她的律师杨勇华(Yoo Young-ha)在上周日时表示称朴槿惠不会和检方会面,而只会和即将接手这起调查的一个独立小组进行交涉。
Ms Park’s spokesman, Jung Youn-kuk, said that the prosecutors’ allegations were "unfair political attacks".
朴槿惠的发言人金勇坤(Jung Youn-kuk)称检方的指控是“不公正的政治攻击”。
He said their case was "a house of cards built on imagination and speculation that completely ignores objective evidence".
Wave of protest
Ms Park, whose approval rating has dropped to 5%, has apologised twice on national television but has so far resisted calls to resign.
South Koreans have reacted angrily to the revelations. The country has witnessed the largest protests since the pro-democracy demonstrations of the 1980s.
Organisers said as many as 500,000 people attended a candlelit rally in the capital this weekend, which brought streets to a standstill for the fourth consecutive Saturday. Police put the figure far lower.
The opposition may attempt to impeach Ms Park if she stays in office in order to protect her immunity. She can be charged once she is no longer president.
Ms Choi is accused of trying to extort huge sums of money from South Korean companies, and is suspected of using her friendship with Ms Park to solicit business donations for a non-profit fund she controlled.
Also indicted was Ahn Jong-beom, Ms Park’s former senior secretary for policy co-ordination. Mr Ahn was charged with abuse of authority, coercion and attempted coercion.
同时被起诉的还有安金邦(Ahn Jong-beom),朴槿惠之前的政策协调高级秘书。安金邦被指控滥用职权、强迫和企图强迫。
The second aide to be charged was Jung Ho-sung, accused of passing classified presidential documents to Ms Choi, including information on ministerial candidates.
朴槿惠第二个被起诉的幕僚是金洪生(Jung Ho-sung),被指泄露机密总统文件给崔顺实,包括部长候选人的信息。