Chapter One Business Letters (商务信函) business_letter_外贸函电

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Chapter One Business Letters (商务信函)

1.1 Introduction

Business letter is the most frequently used form of communication. Business executives are supposed to write good business letters as to carry out business routine efficiently.

All business letters have two main functions. One is to ask for and give a reply to an enquiry, offer, order or complaint. The other one is to keep a record of all the important facts for ready reference. An effective business letter will say what the writer wants it to say clearly and simply.

A business letter that is neat, easy to read, and present a professional image will leave a good impression on the reader.

1.2 Writing Guide

1.2.1 The Essentials of Business Letter Writing——7 “Cs” principles

Clarity清晰 : Try to express yourself clearly. Keep in mind the purpose of the letter; Use appropriate words in correct sentence structures; Avoid ambiguous sentences.

Conciseness简洁 : Say things in the fewest possible words. Try to avoid wordiness or redundancy. Courtesy 礼貌: Not mere politeness. Always keep in mind the person we are writing to, see things from his point of view, visualize him in his surroundings, see his problems and difficulties and express our ideas in terms of his experience.

Consideration 体谅: It emphasizes You-attitude rather than We-attitude.

Keep the readers request, needs, desires, as well as his feelings in mind.

Correctness : Appropriate and grammatically correct language, factual information and accurate reliable figures, as well as the right forms and conventions.

Concreteness 具体: Make the message specific, definite and vivid.

Completeness 完整: Provide all the information and data necessary for a specific issue.

1.2.2 The Structure of business letters

Letterhead 信头 The letterhead indicates the name, address, telephone, fax number and E-mail address of the company sending the letter. Many companies use letterhead stationery. If letterhead stationery is not available, you can type the heading, which includes a return address, and leaves about a two-inch top margin.

Reference 编号 The reference may include a file number, department code or the initials of the signer followed by that of the typist of the letter. Type the reference number below the letterhead in short form asOur ref.:for the senders reference number, and Your ref.: for the recipients. The purpose of this is to facilitate filing of the letter, link it with previous correspondence.

Date 日期 There is no rule for the date placement. If you use letterhead stationery, place the date one to three blank lines beneath the letterhead. If without letterhead, place the date immediately below the return address. Writing date in English goes in two styles:

American Style-- The standard order: month, day, year. Example: September 12, 2008. British Style --The standard order : day, month, year. Example: 12 September, 2008.

Mailing or In-house Notation 邮递方式 Mailing notation shows the specific means of delivery for the convenience of verification. Besides there are two other commonly used forms of mailing notation, e.g. by courier and by EMS. Type them two lines below the date and in all capital Letters.

Mailing notations: e.g. special delivery, airmail, registered mail, certified mail In-house notations: e.g. personal, confidential.

Inside name and address 封内名称及地址 It should include some or all parts of the following: the name of the recipient, the department name, company name, suite or room number, street address, city, postcode, state/province and country. It appears on the left margin and usually starts two to four

lines below the date. It appears exactly the same way as on the envelope.

Precede the addressees name with a courtesy title (such as Mr., Ms. or Dr.) The persons job title can be placed on the same line of the persons name, or on the line below. e.g.: 1Mr. Dick Eaton, President 2Ms. Patricia T. Higgins

Assistant Vice President

If the name of a specific person is unavailable, you may address the letter to the department, followed by the name of the company. e.g.: 1Customer Service Department

Acme Construction Company

Attention Line 主送,The attention line is used to name the specific individual the letter is addressed to. It is usually placed between the inside address and the salutation or within the inside address and centered over the body of a letter in the indented style. Its abbreviation is Attn.. It suggests that the sender hopes the letter receives the immediate attention of a certain person or a specific department. Salutation 称呼 The salutation is the polite greeting with which a letter begins. Place it two lines below the inside address. The salutation should correspond to the first line of the inside address, The customary formal greeting in a business letter is Dear Sir or Dear Madam used for addressing one person; and Dear Sirs, Dear Mesdames or Gentlemen for addressing two or more people. If the addressee is known to you personally, a warmer greeting such as Dear Mr. Smith is preferred. Quite often now companies are owned and /or managed by women, and it is more and more customary to use the greeting: Dear Madam or Sir, if you are not sure whether the letter will be read by a man or a woman. If the addressee is a group, use Ladies and Gentlemen. Or you may use a polite description, such as Dear Friends, Dear SPA supporters. End the salutation with a colon, or a comma.

Subject Line/Caption 标题或事由 The subject line is the general idea of a letter. It calls recipients attention to the topic of the letter. It is often inserted between the salutation and the body of a letter, usually two lines below the salutation. It is also useful as a guide for filing. Some companies omit the word Subject:, some replace it with Re: or re: (meaning regarding), and some underline the subject line. The following forms are commonly used:

SUBJECT: SALES CONFIRMATION NO. 5678 FOR 300MT OF SOYBEAN OIL Subject: Sales Confirmation NO. 5678 for 300Metric Tons of Soybean Oil

Body 正文 This is the most important part of a letter. It expresses your idea, opinion, purpose and wishes, etc. It usually begins one or two lines below the salutation. Lines within a paragraph should be single-spaced and double-spaced between paragraphs.

Complimentary Close 结束敬语 The complimentary close is purely a matter of custom and a polite way of bringing a letter to a close. It appears one or two lines below the last line of the body. Capitalize the first word and end with a comma. The main words in complimentary closure are as follows: sincerely, faithfully, cordially, respectfully and truly. These words may appear in any of these combinations: Your sincerely, Sincerely yours.

Signature 签名 The writers signature consists of a handwritten signature and a typewritten signature. Type the name under the complimentary closing, leaving enough blank lines (usually leave three blank lines) to sign your name. Never sign with a seal or stamp. Then type the signature identification and title. The writers signature should be placed between the complimentary closure and the typed signature.

Multiple-Page Letter Heading 多页信的标题 When typing a multiple-page letter, use letterhead for the first page. The following page or pages should have the same quality, size and color as the first page. The multiple-page heading bears the name of the recipient or his/her organization, the page

number, and the date.

Reference Initials 主办人代号 Consisting of the signers initials in capitals followed by a slash or colon followed by the lowercase initials of the person preparing the letter, this item serves as reminder of who prepared the letter. It should be placed at the left margin, two or three lines below the signature. When you type your own letter, dont use initials. When the signature block includes the writers name, use only the typists initials. Reference initials are usually given in the form of authors initials/typist initials, or authors initials: typist initials.

Enclosure Notation 附件 When there is something enclosed with the letter, type the word Enclosure, or an abbreviation of it Encl. in the bottom left-hand, a double spaces under the reference initials, with a figure indicating the number of enclosures, if there are more than one. You can use any of the following styles:

Encl. : Enclosure:

1. Purchase Order No. 1234 2. Check No. 123

Carbon copy Notation 抄送 When you send a copy of the letter to a third person, place a notation directly below the enclosure notation or reference initials. The copy notation is indicated with C.C., or c.c. which is a holdover from the days of carbon copies. Many companies are now using P.C. (for photocopy).

Postscript/P.S. 附言 If you wish to add something you forget or for emphasis, you may usually add the postscript two lines below the carbon copy notation. Postscript may be preceded by P. S., but this is not strictly necessary. In business letters, postscript is not commonly used, while in personal letters, it frequently appears. This item is usually used in the informal styles of letters. The adding of a P.S. should, however, be avoided as far as possible, since it can appear as afterthoughts, indicating a lack of planning. But studies show that postscripts are one of the first things people read and remember, especially when it is handwritten. It sometimes serves the purposes as a message that requires emphasis, or as a personal note.

Look at the following example to see where the different parts go in a business letter. P.S.: You get 5% discount if you book the space by the end of this month. 1.2.3 The Formats of a business letter

There are various ways in which the component parts of a business letter can be laid out on the page. Choice of letter format is a matter of individual taste, but it is better to follow established practice, to which the business world has become accustomed. A good plan to make correct practice habit is to adopt one form of letter format and stick to it. The three main formats are as follows.

1. Blocked Format With this letter style, all letter parts begin at the left margin. Because this style can save the typists time, so it has come to be much widely used and preferred now. The loss of clarity occasioned by the absence of indentations may be made good by increasing the number of separating line-spacing between paragraphs.

2. Semi-blocked Format Like blocked format, all letter parts begin at the left margin, except the dateline, complimentary closing, company signature and writers identification, which are set against the right-hand margin. They are placed in this position for filing and reference purposes. It is also named as a modified blocked format.

3. Indented Format The indented format may follow the same layout as either the blocked or semi-blocked formats, but will differ in that the paragraphs will each be indented by four or five spaces. It is a traditional format, especially in Britain.

1.2.4 The Format of envelopes The envelope should match the stationery in color and style. Most companies have the return address in the upper-left corner of the envelope, giving the same

information as the letterhead. Otherwise you must type or write your return address the same way as you do for the inside address, usually in smaller typeface than the name and address of the receiver. Name and address of the receiver is always single-spaced with all lines aligned on the left, and they should be in all capital letter, with no punctuation at the end of each line. The order in writing the address is from the smallest division to the largest, just opposite to the Chinese custom in writing addresses.

The in-house notation is placed three lines down the return address and is in all capital letters. The stamp is put at the upper right corner of the envelope with mailing notation, if there are any, given in all capital letters below the stamp.

The format of the address on the envelope can be in blocked or indented style, but it is better to keep the same format with the inside address of the letter. 1.3 Letters for example
