小学英语三年级起点三年级下册 8 Happy birthday!-全国公开课一等奖

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3B Unit 7

Enjoy a story Ben and Bob

课时 第三课时


教学重 难点

授课 黄璐 备课 教师 时间

帮助学生学习句型 I like doing in (season) .

通过对Enjoy a story的学习,进一步巩固句型 I like doing in (season) .让学生感受这个句型在故事中的运用。 词汇:sleep sleeping, work, working 句型:I like doing in (season) .


媒体运用 电子书、PPT课件 教学准备



Step 1 Pre-task preparations 1) Sing a song together.

2) review the new words and their ing form by looking at the pictures. 3).Chant.

Step 2 While-task procedures a. Show the pictures of Ben and Bob.

b. Raise the question: What do they like (doing) Ss listen and think. c. Picture 1:

1)Ss listen and answer the question:

What do they like in spring and summer 2)Ss read P1 and act it out together. d. Picture 2:

1)Ss listen and read P2.

2)Ss answer and write the answer on the blackboard. What do they like in autumn

3)Ss read P2 and act it out in groups of boys and girls.

e. Picture 3

1) Ss read P3 by themselves.

2) Ss ask and answer the question in pairs.

What do they like in winter

3) Ss read P3 and act it out in pairs. Step 3 Post-task activities 1. Read the story together. 2. Act the whole story out. Step 4 Homework

1. Talk about your hobbies. 2. Read the story:Ben and Bob.

3. Act the story with your friends after class.

Blackboard Design. Ben Bob




