他走了,带着傲气,带着诗意,带着执着 He left with pride, poetry and persistence 6月22日,翻译家许渊冲的告别仪式在京举行。现场供吊唁人群领取的纪念卡片上,印着他曾提过的新年心愿,这也是他曾送给儿童的寄语: “好上加好,精益求精,不到绝顶,永远不停!而这写话语也正是他自己一生在文学翻译;领域不懈追求的写照。 On June 22, Xu Yuanchong's farewell ceremony was held in Beijing. On the commemorative card for the mourning crowd at the scene, printed with his new year's wish, which was also his message to the children: " Good, better, best, never let it rest, till good is better, and better best! ” , which is the reflection of his unremitting pursuit in the field of literary translation all his life. 2017年他登上《朗读者》节目的舞台,递给了主持人董卿一张“很狂”的名片。上面写:“书销中外百余本,诗译英法唯一人。” Four years ago, Xu Yuanchong appeared on the stage of the program called "Readers" and handed the hostess Dong Qing a "crazy" card, saying "more than 100 books sold at home and abroad, and the only one to translate poetry into English and French." 董卿问:“您不怕这名片递出去了,别人觉得‘您怎么这么说’呀?” Dong Qing asked, "Don’t you care about what people will think of you when reading the card?" 他摊开手,云淡风轻地回答说: “我实事求是,这是事实。” He spread out his hand and answered quietly, "No. What I'm saying is the fact." 他提出了文学翻译的三美原则,并身体力行,给我们留下了许多经典的翻译名篇,对于中国文化的传播,对于民族自信的树立,做出了极大的贡献。 He put forward the principle of "Three Beauties" in literary translation and practiced it. He left us many classic translation masterpieces and made great contributions to the spread of Chinese culture and the establishment of national confidence. 不爱红装爱武装 To face the powder and not to powder the face. 孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪 A lonely fisherman afloat, is fishing snow in lonely boat. 无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来 The boundless forest sheds its leaves shower by shower;The endless river rolls its waves hour after hour. 寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。 I look for what I miss, I know not what it is, I feel so sad, so drear, so lonely, without cheer. 他先后出版了180多本中英法文翻译著作,将中国的唐诗宋词以及《诗经》《楚辞》《论语》《桃花扇》《牡丹亭》《西厢记》等翻译成英文、法文,将西方名著如《包法利夫人》《红与黑》《约翰·克里斯托夫》《李尔王》《罗密欧与朱丽叶》《威尼斯商人》等译成中文。 He has published more than 180 translation works in Chinese, English and French. He has translated Chinese Tang poetry and Song poetry, the Book of Songs, Songs of Chu, Analects of Confucius, Peach Blossom Fan, Peony Pavilion, Romance of the West Chamber and so on into English and French. He has Translated some Western masterpieces such as Madame Bovary, Red and Black, John Christopher, King Lear, Romeo and Juliet, Merchant of Venice and so on into Chinese. 他曾经说:“我们中国人,就应该自信,就应该有点狂的精神。五千年的文化,是智慧的传承,是精神的传递。” He once said,"we Chinese should be confident and have the spirit of being pride of ourselves. The Five thousand years’ culture is the inheritance of wisdom and the transmission of spirit. " 他曾说:“生命不是你活了多少日子,而是你记住了多少日子。我不管还能活多久,认真享受每一天,做自己喜欢的事情就好。人生最大的乐趣是发现美创造美,这个乐趣别人偷不走。” He once said, " the meaning of life is not how many days you live, but how many days you remember. No matter how long you can live, just enjoy every day and do what you like. The greatest pleasure in life is to discover beauty and create beauty, which others can't steal. " 他曾说:“人生最大的乐趣,就是和喜欢的在一起,做喜欢做的事。” He once said, "the greatest pleasure in life is to be with what you like and do what you like." 在许老身上,我们感受到了强烈的原本应该属于青年人的活力和浪漫。 一直到耄耋之年,许渊冲仍然给自己制定了“每天翻译1000字”的工作计划。 We feel Master Xu is as energetic and romantic as a young man even though he is in his nineties. He made a work plan of "translating 1000 words a day" for himself and he kept it until the end of his life. 但愿我们也能像许老一样,坚持初心,把自己真心热爱的事情坚持一生;保持快乐,把人生中的每一天都当做最珍贵的一天那样生活。 I hope we can stick to our original intention and stick to the things we really love all our lives, just like Xu; I hope that every of us can keep happy and live every day of our life as our most precious day. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/f2e3389333b765ce0508763231126edb6e1a768c.html