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【CET6】【电脑用户】→点击进入免费试听>>四六级考试课程! 文房四宝(the Four Treasures of the Study)是中国古代书画用具的总称,指纸、墨、毛笔与砚台(ink stone)。文房四宝的质量对绘画和书法(calligraphy)起着决定性的作用。因此进行中国传统绘画和书法的文人 部很注重这些用具的选择。唐宋时期(the Tang and Song Dynasties)的文房四宝因其质量优良与制作精美,为后世学者高度称颂。在某种程度上来说,“文房四宝”是促进中国传统文化发展的一个重要因素。
The Four Treasures of the Study is a general term for a set of tools for painting and writing in ancient China,namely paper,ink,brush pen and ink stone.The quality of the Four Treasures of the Study plays a decisive role in one's painting and calligraphy.Therefore, scholars engaging in traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy attached much importance to the choice of the tools.The products of "the Four Treasures of the Study" elaborately made during the Tang and Song Dynasties are highly praised by later scholars for their superior quality.To some extent,the Four Treasures of the Study is an important factor which has promoted the development of traditional Chinese culture.