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【#考博# 导语】天空吸引你展翅飞翔,海洋召唤你扬帆启航,高山激励你奋勇攀登,平原等待你信马由缰……出发吧,愿你前程无量,考入理想院校!以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的《2018考博英语翻译精析【十篇】》 供您查阅。





  Over-packaging should be forbidden due to itswasting resources, polluting the enviromnent,endangering social interest, which will do nothingbut harm to the country, society and individuals. Weshould establish the idea of packaging simply andadvocate proper package. It's the common responsibility of society, enterprises and individualsto construct a conservation-minded society. Individuals should build up. a view of greenconsumption and advocate plain-consuming. If everyone emphasizes friendship rather thangifts, content rather than surface in social relationship, over-packaging can by no means exist.Our society should further advocate the concept of plain and reasonable consuming so as tofoster a healthy social atmosphere.

  1.有百害而无一利:可译为do nothing but harm to...。其中do nothing but意为“只,仅仅”,更有“除此之外并无其他”的意味。也可以用is of no good for来表达。

  2.节约型社会:可以有多种表达,如conservation-minded society, conservation-oriented society或resource-saving society等。

  3.绿色消费观:可译为a view of green consumption。“观点”可以用view, concept, idea等词表达。

  4.朴素消费:可译为plain-consuming。其中plain意为“朴素的,简朴的”,例如 “艰苦朴素”可译为hardworking and plain-living。

  5.重情谊轻礼品:可以理解为“重视情谊而不是礼品”,故此处译为emphasizes friendship rather thangifts。



  中国水运历史悠久。早在商朝就有了帆船。隋朝大运河(TheGrand Canal)为南北水运带来了很大便利。明朝时期,郑和七次下西洋,在其中一次航行中,他到达了非洲东海岸。中国河流众多,海岸线长,水运条件优越。长江是最重要的内陆航运(inland shipping)通道,其主流从四川宜宾到海洋,全长超过3000公里。重庆、武汉和南京是长江沿岸的重要港口。中国港口很多,适宜海运,如上海、大连、秦皇岛、天津、青岛、宁波、厦门、广州等。这些港口的航线能通往世界上150多个国家和地区。


  China's water transport has a long history.Early inthe Shang Dynasty,there were sailing boats.TheGrand Canal in the Sui Dynasty provided greatconvenience for south-north water transport.Inthe Ming Dynasty,Zheng He sailed across seas seventimes and reached the east coast of Africa during one of his voyages.China has plenty of rivers,along coastline and advantageous water transport conditions.The Yangtze River is the mostimportant inland shipping channel.Its mainstream,from Yibin in Sichuan Province to thesea,has a total length of over 3,000 kilometers.Chongqing,Wuhan and Nanjing are importantports along the river.China has fevorable conditions for maritime transport with manyharbors,such as Shanghai,Dalian,Qinhuangdao,Tianjin,Qingdao,Ningbo,Xiamen,Guangzhou andso  on.There are shipping routes from these ports to over 150 countries and regions all over theworld.

  1.历史悠久:即“有着悠久的历史”,可译为has a longhistory。

  2.隋朝大运河:即the Grand Canal in the Sui Dynasty。

  3.南北水运:可译为south-north water transport。

  4.郑和七次下西洋:可译为Zheng He sailed across seasseven times。

  5.河流很多:可译为has plenty of rivers,或has a lot ofrivers,has lots of rivers。plenty of相当于a lot of或lots of,意为“很多的”。

  6.适宜海运:“适宜”理解为“有着有利的条件”,可译为has fovorable conditions。“海运”即“海上运输”,可译为maritime transport。其中maritime意为“海上的,航海的”。



 最近中国科学院(Chinese Academy of Science )出版了关于其最新科学发现与未来一年展望的年度系列报告。系列报告包括三部分:科学发展报告,高技术发展报告,中国可持续战略报告。第一份报告包含中国科学家的最新发现,诸如新粒子研究与H7N9病毒研究的突破。该报告还突出强调了未来几年需要关注的问题。第二份报告公布了一些应用科学研究的热门领域,如3D打印和人造器官研究。第三份报告呼吁加强顶层设计,以消除工业升级中的结构性障碍,并促进节能减排。


  Chinese Academy of Science recently published an annual report on its  latest scientific discoveries and the outlook for the next year. The report involves three parts: one report on science development, the second on high-tec development and the other one on China’s sustainable development strategy. The first report includes the latest discoveries by China’s scientists, such as the new particle research and their breakthrough in the study of H7N9 virus. More importantly, this report even highlights some problems that deserve attention in the next few years. The second one publishes some heated fields in applied science such as the 3-dimension print and artificial organ research. The third calls upon people to enhance the top design so that the structural obstacles in industrial upgradation may be eliminated, energy saved, and emission reduced.





  包括:include/consis of

  科学发展:science development


  高科技:advanced technology





  消除:get rid of/remove







  Mandarin, the official language of China, is suddenly hot in American  schools. With the rapid development of China’s economy in the 21th century,both public and private schools in America are scrambling to add Mandarin to their curricula of foreign languages or expandingChinese language programs already in place. By some estimates, as many as 50 000 children nationwide are taking Mandarinin American schools. To develop Chinese-language programs has met some difficulties. A shortage of professionally trained teachers with certificates has madeit difficult for some schools to join the competition. When schools need to employ teachers, they often recruit them fromChina directly, which is a hidden trouble for culture clash.

  官方语言 official language

  普通话 Mandarin

  快速的 rapid

  课程 curriculum (pl.curricula)

  已有的 in place

  缺乏 shortage

  受过专业训练 professionally trained

  证书 certificate

  招聘 recruit

  文化冲突 culture clash



  中国水资源地区分布不均匀。总体来讲,南方水资源丰富,北方则水资源匮乏。随着人口的增长和经济的快速发展,北方缺水的问题日益严重,解决办法之一就是跨流域(drainagearea)调水,也就是南水北调工程(South-to-North WaterDiversion Project)。南水北调工程包括东、中、西三条线路。东线从长江下游引水,沿京杭大运河(Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal)北送,穿过黄河下的管道,向下流入天津附近的水库(reservoir)。中线从长江的支流汉江的丹江口水库引水到北京。西线也被称作“大西线”,目的在于从长江上游引水到黄河上游。


  In China water resources are unevenly distributed.Ingeneral, water resources are abundant in the southbut deficient in the north.With the increase ofpopulation and rapid economic development, theproblem of water shortage in the north is gettingmore and more serious.One solution is to divert water from one drainage area to another,also known as the South-to-North Water Diversion Project.There are three routes.The easternroute will transfer water from the lower reaches of the Yangtze River to north along theBeijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and through a tunnel under the Yellow River, from where it canflow downhill to reservoirs near Tianjin.The central route is from Danjiangkou Reservoir on theHan river, a branch of the Yangtze River, to Beijing.The western route, also called the BigWestern Line, aims at diverting water from the headwaters of the Yangtze River into theheadwaters of the Yellow River.

  1.分布不均:可译为be unevenly distributed。

  2.水资源丰富:可译为water resources are abundant。


  4.跨流域调水:可译为divert water from one drainagearea to another。

  5.下游:可译为lower reaches。

  6.大西线:可照字面直译the Big Western Line。



 交通拥堵是世界各国普遍面临的问题。近年来,我国城市化水平空前加快,大中城市交通拥堵问题尤其突出,交通阻塞已由局部向大范围蔓延。这不仅影响了城市生活的效率和质量,而且带来了环境污染、能源紧张等一系列经济社会问题,严重制约了城市的发展。要想解决这一问题,良好的公共交通是必不可少的。实行低票价政策,是实现公交优先的基本保证。从长远来看,则要大力发展轨道交通(rail  transportation),降低路面拥堵。


  Traffic jam has been a problem shared by all countries around the world.In recent years,the urbanization of China reaches an unprecedented level,which leads to especially prominent traffic jam in large and medium-sized cities.The problem of traffic jam has extended from part to a wide range.Traffic jam not only affects the efficiency and quality of uiban life,but also causes a series of economic and social problems like environmental pollution and energy deficiency,which greatly restricts the development of cities.To solve the problem,well-organized public transportation is indispensable.Low ticket price is the basic guarantee of priority of public transportation.In the long term,we must vigorously develop rail transportation to lessen traffic jam.


  1.世界各国普遍面临的问题:译为a problem shared by all countries around the world。“普遍面临的”在此处译为shared by,即“为…所共有的”,也可以用commonly faced by表达。

  2.尤其突出:可译为especially prominent或particularly prominent。其中prominent意为“突出的,显著的”。

  3.由局部向大范围蔓延:可译为has extended from part to a wide range。


  5.公交优先:可译为priority of public transportation。

  6.从长远来看:可译为in the long term,也可译为in the long run或over the long range。



 选秀(draft),指选拔在某方面表现优秀的人。中国自古就有,古代选秀一般是宫廷选秀。从2004年《超级女声》开始,大众选秀节目开始进入我们的视线,这类几乎“零门槛(zero of threshold)”的选秀活动让所有人都有机会成为明星。之后的《好男儿》、《快乐男声》、《我型我秀》还有《中国好声音》等等选秀活动一一登场,几乎一刻都没有让中国的电视观众闲着。通过这些选秀活动,很多有才能的 “平民百姓”实现了自己的梦想,走上了星光大道(avenue of stars)。


  A draft refers to a procedure during which people who perform well in a certain aspect are picked out.In ancient China,there were also drafts which generally referred to court drafts.From the year 2004 when Super Girl was on,talent show programs began to come into our sight.Such kind of nearly“zero threshold”talent show offers everyone an opportunity to become popular.Later,there came My Hero,Super Boy,My Show and The Voice of China.As these talent show programs appeared one by one,Chinese TV audience hardly had time to rest.Through these talent show programs,many talented “ordinary people”realized their dreams and stepped on the avenue of stars.


  1.选秀,指选拔在某方面表现优秀的人:可译为A draft refers to a procedure during which people who perform well in a certain aspect are picked out; refer to 意为“指的是”,译文中用增词法,增译出a procedure“程序”,使得结构更加清晰。

  2.进入我们的视线:可译为come into our sight。

  3.一一登场:可译为appear one by one。

  4.有才能的“平民百姓”:可译为talented“ordinary people”。



 中国水运历史悠久。早在商朝就有了帆船。隋朝大运河(TheGrand Canal)为南北水运带来了很大便利。明朝时期,郑和七次下西洋,在其中一次航行中,他到达了非洲东海岸。中国河流众多,海岸线长,水运条件优越。长江是最重要的内陆航运(inland shipping)通道,其主流从四川宜宾到海洋,全长超过3000公里。重庆、武汉和南京是长江沿岸的重要港口。中国港口很多,适宜海运,如上海、大连、秦皇岛、天津、青岛、宁波、厦门、广州等。这些港口的航线能通往世界上150多个国家和地区。


  China‘s water transport has a long history.Early inthe Shang Dynasty,there were sailing boats.TheGrand Canal in the Sui Dynasty provided greatconvenience for south-north water transport.Inthe Ming Dynasty,Zheng He sailed across seas seventimes and reached the east coast of Africa during one of his voyages.China has plenty of rivers,along coastline and advantageous water transport conditions.The Yangtze River is the mostimportant inland shipping channel.Its mainstream,from Yibin in Sichuan Province to thesea,has a total length of over 3,000 kilometers.Chongqing,Wuhan and Nanjing are importantports along the river.China has fevorable conditions for maritime transport with manyharbors,such as Shanghai,Dalian,Qinhuangdao,Tianjin,Qingdao,Ningbo,Xiamen,Guangzhou andso on.There are shipping routes from these ports to over 150 countries and regions all over theworld.

  1.历史悠久:即“有着悠久的历史”,可译为has a longhistory.

  2.隋朝大运河:即the Grand Canal in the Sui Dynasty.

  3.南北水运:可译为south-north water transport.

  4.郑和七次下西洋:可译为Zheng He sailed across seasseven times.

  5.河流很多:可译为has plenty of rivers,或has a lot ofrivers,has lots of rivers.plenty of相当于a lot of或lots of,意为“很多的”。

  6.适宜海运:“适宜”理解为“有着有利的条件”,可译为has fovorable conditions.“海运”即“海上运输”,可译为maritime transport.其中maritime意为“海上的,航海的”。



中国的电影市场一直在髙速发展,但是国产的动画业(animation industry)却不尽如人意。去年有33部动画电影发行,但没有一部票房(box office)喜人。原因有以下几点:一是投入少。一部好莱坞动画电影在放映和电影特技上的花费要超过其一半的预算。但在中国,这些通常只占10%.二是故事情节单一。目前中国很难有超过1亿票房的动画电影。内部人士称电影情节无趣是票房过低的罪魁祸首。此外,薪酬较低,要找一个好编剧(scriptwriter)也很困难。


  China‘s film market has been developing at a highspeed,but China’s  animation industry is not to oursatisfaction.Last year,33 animation films werereleased,none of which did well at the box office.The reasons are as follows:firstly,the lowinvestment.A Hollywood animation film spends more than half of its budget on screening andspecial effects, which,however,in China,usually accounts for only 10%. Secondly,the tediousplot.Currently,few animation films in China can achieve more than 0.1 billion yuan at thebox office.According to the insiders,boring plot is the main reason for low box office.Besides,its hard to find a good scriptwriter with low payment.

  1.一直在高速发展:“一直”可用现在完成时表达,故译为have been developing at a tremendous speed.

  2.不尽如人意:即“不能令人满意”,可译为not to our satisfaction.反之,“令人满意”则译为to one‘s satisfaction.

  3.票房:固定译法为box office.

  4.投入少:即“低投资”,可译为low investment.

  5.放映和电影特技:可译为screening and special effects.

  6.罪魁祸首:即“主要原因”,可译为main reason.



西部支教(volunteering to teach in the west)对于促进当地教育和经济发展有着重要意义。大学生到西部支教,对农村的孩子不仅仅进行书本知识的教学,更重要的是通过组织安排一些活动,寓教于乐,希望对他们未来的学习和生活有所启发和引导,并激发他们学习的动力和对外面发达城市的向往,促使他们进步。此外,大学生也会把新的观念和思想带到农村去。去西部支教还能培养当代大学生的社会责任感和社会公益心,在一定程度上,也缓解了西部地区教师短缺的压力。


  Volunteering to teach in the west is significant for the improvement of local education and the economic development.The college students who volunteer to teach in the west not only impart academic knowledge to children in rural areas,but more importantly,through a number of activities to combine teaching and entertainment,they hope to provide inspiration and guidance for the children about their future study and life.They also want to motivate the children in rural areas to study,evoke their desire for going to developed cities outside and help them make progress.In addition,the college students will bring new ideas and thoughts to the countryside.Volunteering to teach in the west can also help college students develop a sense of social responsibility and contributing to public benefit.To a certain extent,it also eases the shortage of teachers in the western regions.


  1.大学生:可译为college students,也可译为undergraduates.

  2.通过组织安排一些活动,寓教于乐:合并译为through a number of activities to combine teaching and entertainment.

  3.激发他们对…的向往:可译为evoke their desire for…

  4.社会公益心:可译为a sense of social welfare.

  5.在一定程度上:可译为to a certain extent或up to a point.

