

时间:2023-11-13 22:10:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

China made a fresh pledge Tuesday to support the United Nations in playing a central role in international affairs 45 years after the restoration of its lawful seat in the UN.   周二,中国恢复联合国合法席位正值45周年,中国作出新,支持联合国在国际事务中发挥中心作用。   State Councilor Yang Jiechi, speaking at a reception to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the epoch-making event, said China will continue to work with the UN and all other countries to advance peace and development for mankind.   在庆祝45周年纪念这一划时代事件的招待会上,国务院委员杨洁篪说,中国将继续和联合国及其他国家一道努力,促进人类和平和发展。   In 1971, the 26th Session of the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 2758 with an overwhelming majority and decided to restore the lawful seat of the People’s Republic of China in the UN.   1971年联合国大会第二十六届会议上,中国以压倒性票数,通过了第2758号决议,联合国决定恢复中华人民共和国在联合国的合法席位。   "This historic decision signified a notable enhancement of the universality, representativeness and authority of the UN and forces for peace and development, marking a new stage in China’s diplomatic engagement with the world," Yang said.   杨说:“这一历史性的决定,标志着联合国以及和平与发展力所具有的普遍性、代表性和权威性的显著提高,是中国与世界外交互动的新阶段。”   For 45 years, China has contributed to world peace, been a facilitator of global development, a proponent of the international order and a supporter of the UN cause, he said.   他说,45年以来,中国为世界和平作出了贡献,一直是全球发展的推动者、国际秩序的倡导者和联合国事业的支持者。   Yang reaffirmed that China will stick to the path of peaceful and common development and multilateralism.   杨永强重申,中国将坚持和平、共同发展和多边主义的道路。   "China will continue to support the UN in playing a central role in international affairs and take an active part in UN activities in the various fields of security, development, human rights, social affairs, legal affairs, arms control and disarmament," Yang said.   杨永强说:“中国将继续支持联合国在国际事务中发挥中心作用,积极参与联合国在各种安全、发展、人权、社会事务、法律事务、军备控制和裁军领域的活动。”   Earlier Tuesday, at a commemoration symposium in Beijing, UN Under-Secretary-General Jeffrey Feltman said he appreciated China’s support for the work of the UN, adding that the implementation of decisions by the UN requires robust political leadership, which China has already shown.   周二早些时候,在北京举行的纪念研讨会上,联合国副秘书长费尔特曼称,他赞赏中国支持联合国的工作,并且补充道,落实联合国决定需要强有力的政治领导,中国已经展现出了这种能力。   Thanks to China, sustainable development was incorporated into the G20 growth agenda for the first time in 2016, and the Belt and Road Initiative will aid south-south cooperation on the UN agenda, Feltman said.   费尔特曼说,多亏了中国,可持续发展在2016年首次列入G20集团增加议程,“一带一路”倡议将有助于联合国议程上的南南合作。

