When first created 3,000 years ago, Chinese fans were merely used to block the sun and keep cool.As time goes by, they evolve into works of art, symbols of status, props for theaters and dances and romantic gifts.In Chinese language, the character for the word “fan” has the same pronunciation as the character for “kindness”.Thus, fans are regarded as good-luck charms or expressions of generosity.The round fans symbolize union or reunion, and are often inscribed with romantic poems,Chinese characters or flower patterns representing wealth and longevity.In the past,Chinese fans were often used to signify a high social status.Today they are used to display grace in dances.
中国的扇子发明于3000多年以前,当时扇子只是用来遮挡阳光、保持凉爽。随着时间的推移,扇子演变成了艺术品、地位的象征、戏剧和舞蹈的道具(prop)以及浪漫的礼物。汉语中,“扇”字与“善”字同音。因此,扇子被视为能带来好运的幸运符(good-luck charms)或慷慨的表现。圆扇子象征团结或重聚,上面常常题有浪漫的诗词、汉字或花卉图案以代表财富和长寿。过去,中国的扇子常代表较高的社会地位。今天,它们常常被用于舞蹈中来体现优雅。