日语写作教学做一体化教学实践探索 杨柳 【期刊名称】《天津市财贸管理干部学院学报》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)004 【摘 要】With the development of the society, students are changing with the times in their way of thinking and means of acquiring knowledge. Integrated teaching brings together teaching, learning and doing thoroughly and organically. “From practice to practice” is achieved when the students are learning in teaching, doing in learning and applying in doing. Therefore, it is imperative that curriculum reform of integrated teaching be carried out. In teaching Japanese Writing, it is a worthwhile research subject to explore how to establish an integrated teaching model, keep a reasonable balance between theory and practice and make scientific evaluation on the reform process and practice results.%随着时代的发展,学生的思维方式和对知识获取方式的认同感也在逐步发生变化。教学做一体化教学模式,把“教、学、做”三件事巧妙地融会贯通为“一件事”,让学生在教中学,学中做,做中用,从而达到从实践中来到实践中去的目的。因而,“教学做一体化”教学模式的课改势在必行。在《日语写作》课程教学实践中,构建“教学做一体化”模式,合理设计理论课程和实践环节,对课改过程和实践结果进行科学评价,是值得探讨的新课题。 【总页数】2页(P71-72) 【作 者】杨柳 【作者单位】天津商务职业学院,天津 300350 【正文语种】中 文 【中图分类】H36;G642.0 【相关文献】 1.高职院校EDA技术课程“教学做”一体化教学的实践探索 [J], 田逸 2.钳工“教学做”一体化教学实践探索 [J], 刘卫萍 3.日语写作教学做一体化教学实践探索 [J], 杨柳; 4."教学做评"一体化教学模式的实践探索—— 以《传感器技术及应用》课程为例 [J], 蒙俊健 5.“教学做”一体化教学模式在会计专业中的实践探索 [J], 姜丽娟 因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/ce267e291411cc7931b765ce05087632311274d1.html